
Being about to insert a word from one or two of my Louisiana friends, their images and kindness come up before me, overwhelming my heart with gratitude. Though years have passed, and I am far away; yet my mind is busy in tracing the outlines of the dear square, where we assembled for the Governor’s review. Near the centre stood Gov. Mutton, and Aid, the very animal on which he rode, looking about him, prouder than his fellows; as if conscious that he bore about one of the Honorable men of the earth. Honorable for the high title which his … Read more

Recognized by Puck-Chee-Nubbee

As the man of years came forward, whose name was Puch-Chee-Nubbee; he was received with the cordiality to which an unstained and honorable old age is entitled to in civilized society. I. noticed his eye fell on me, while an unusual degree of anxious inquiry seemed to accompany the penetrating glance. I felt that he was searching my very heart, and a childlike sympathy agitated my bosom; years of sorrow rolled up before me. O! how I wished that I could fall upon the neck that supported that venerable head and call him my father! I moved not. All was … Read more

Going upon the Mountain to Consult the Great Spirit

The preparations for our journey were ready made and ere long we were under way. He told me he had prayed much for me since he heard of my trouble and that now we were going where no evil had ever been able to survive; that as soon as they come near the sacred spot, the thundering from the voice of the Great Spirit, the fire which proceeded out of his mouth as his anger arose, because of the wicked ways of the tribes of men, who were the children of the earth which he held as his own; also … Read more

First Recollections of William Chubbee

Messrs. Spencer Grayson and Joseph B. Davis, (son-in-law of Levi Pernell, who resided in Natchez, on Second North Street, as long ago as I can recollect,) entrusted me with the performance of several duties, which having faithfully executed, and thereby securing their friendship, I gladly learned that Mr. Davis had made successful application for me to accompany him on a visit to his plantation in the back part of the state of Mississippi. This was my first journeying, and Mr. Davis had to tie me upon the horse. Some laughed at the idea of his taking so small a child … Read more

Excursions to Villages and Towns

I visited Bayou la Fourche, Huma, Barataria Bay, Thibodeaux, Franklin, Donaldsonville, St. Martins, Jackson, La., (where I became acquainted with Major Dunn, and family,) Vermillionville, Opelouza, Bayou Plaquemine, Point Cupee, St Francisville, Point Hudson, Baton Rouge, Layfayette, Algiers, &c., thus making myself somewhat acquainted with the people and country. Also visited Madison across lake Ponchartrain, and I really must not forget my kind old friend, Mr. Bell, who kept the Washington Hotel on the Ponchartrain Lake; who always made me at home in his pleasant house. Also I cheerfully tender my humble thanks to the directors of the Ponchartrain and … Read more

Evidence, I am the Son of a Choctaw Chief

I will tell you how I know he is my brother’s son, will you hear, will your hearts understand, will your hands be open? They readily answered in the affirmative. He then proceeded, adding, he is not large and tall like his father, his mother very small but his face very much like his father; so much I knew him by his face. One day, many years ago, I visit Mosboleh Tubbee; we like brothers; we love each other, so we go to Natchez, trade some, see the country and city; we take several with us, some women, Mosholeh Tubbee’s … Read more

Choctaw Character, Country and Christianity

In contemplating the Indian character, there is an interest thrown around it, which cannot fail to impress the mind of every inquiring person. Although the Indian race is fading away, their palmy days being gone, yet there is a charm thrown around their past history, and the most lively emotions are created in the mind of the patriot and philanthropist in contemplating their past and present history, and we are led to look upon the high and lofty bearing of the red man with the most intense admiration. There was a period in the history of the aborigines of North … Read more

Acquaintance With my Wife and our Marriage

I was taught in a dream how I could be assisted in the difficulty. Many years ago, I dreamed of travelling up a large river, where I saw a female engaged in reading. Afterwards she knelt and prayed. I felt that the Lord had greatly blessed her, and although her face was from me, I saw in my dream that she would be my wife, and a helpmate indeed. So perfectly did I retain her image in my mind’s eye, that I ever thought I should know her if I could see her. I had an idea that this river … Read more

A Short Visit to New Orleans

I left Natchez, determined, though, had good friends there, to seek others abroad. I proceeded to New Orleans. I soon made acquaintance with Mr. C. F. Hosea, Captain of the Old Louisiana Volunteers, who proved a very true and faithful friend. He introduced me to his musicians, who were very good friends; especially his drum major, Mr. J. Noble. I played with them on the eighth of January, at a sham fight, where I found myself very much at home. I remained here but a short time however, and went up the river to Vicksburg, where there was a party … Read more