Hunter Family History

William L. Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM L. HUNTER: a distinguished member of the family in America, died at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1849, aged seventy-five. He graduated at Brown University in 1791. He was admitted to the bar, at Newport, at the age of twenty-one. In 1799 he entered the State Legislature, and […]

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William Hunter M.D.

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM HUNTER: M.D., (1755-1812), orientalist, was born at Montrose in 1755, and was educated at the Marischal College and University at Aberdeen, where he took the degree of M.A. in 1777. He began his career with mechanical contrivances, and an improvement of the screw invented by him was

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William Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM HUNTER: (1718-1783), anatomist; seventh of ten children of John and Agnes Hunter, and elder brother of John Hunter (1728-1793), was born at Long Calderwood, East Kil bride, Lanarkshire, on 23 May, 1718. At the age of fourteen he was sent to Glasgow University, where he remained for

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William Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM HUNTER: C.B. 1916; M.D. (Gold Medallist) C.M. (Edin.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.) F.R.S.E., Colonel A.M.S.; Consulting Physician to Eastern Command; Late Senior Physician, London Fever Hospital; Consulting Physician Charing Cross Hospital; Dean of Medical School, 1910-15; b. 1 June 1861; s. of the late Robert Hunter of Birkenhead; educ.:

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William Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM HUNTER: of Boston, married first in 1657, Cicely . She probably died soon afterward. His second wife was Mary, only child of Richard Carter. By her he had children. Savage, in his “Genealogical Dictionary,” says that the four young passengers of the ship Blessing, the record of

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William Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WILLIAM HUNTER: was Assistant Secretary of the State. His son, Lieut. H. C. Hunter, of the United States Navy, died at Barcelona, Spain, in 1873. Revolutionary officers of the name are Alexander, Daniel, Ephriam and James, of Pennsylvania; David of South Carolina; James of North Carolina; Andrew of

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William Boyd Hunter

Last Updated on October 23, 2012 by WILLIAM BOYD HUNTER: lawyer, economist; b. Ponca, Neb., Apr. 1, 1876; s. William Hugh and Annie (Armstrong) Hunter; B.Sc., U. of Neb., 1897, A.M., 1898; unmarried. Statistical expert, Bur. of Census, 1900-04, and in charge of methods and results, 1903-04; Economist in charge investigations of monopolies, restraint of

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Wiles Robert Hunter

Last Updated on October 23, 2012 by (WILES) ROBERT HUNTER: sociologist; b. Terre Haute, Ind., April 10, 1874; s. of W. R. and Caroline (Fouts) Hunter; A.B. Ind. U., 1896; m. Caroline M. Phelps Stokes of Norton, Conn., May 23, 1903; children: Robert, Phelps Stokes, Caroline Phelps, Helen Louisa (dec. ). Organizing Sec., Chicago Bur.

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Walter Samuel Hunter

Last Updated on October 23, 2012 by WALTER SAMUEL HUNTER: psychologist; b. Decatur, Ill. Mar. 22, 1889; s. of George and Ida (Weakeley) Hunter; student Polytechnic Coll., Ft. Worth, Tex., 1905-08; A.B., U. of Tex., 1910; Ph.D., U. of Chicago, 1912; married; children: Thayer, Helen. Instr. Philosophy, 1912-14, adj. professor of Psychology, 1914-16, U. of

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Walter King Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by WALTER KING HUNTER: M.D., D.Sc., F.R.F.P.S.G.; Muirhead Professor of Medicine, University of Glasgow; Physician Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Consulting Physician Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital; Major R.A.M.C. (T.F.) (retired); late President, Royal Medico Chirurgical Society of Glasgow; b. Glasgow, 1867; s. of late William Hunter, merchant Glasgow; unmarried. Educ.: Glasgow

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Thomas Hunter

Last Updated on September 20, 2012 by THOMAS HUNTER: (1666-1725), Jesuit, born in Northumberland on 6 June 1666, made his humanity studies in the College of the English Jesuits at St. Omer; entered the society in I 1684; was appointed professor of Logic and Philosophy at Liege, and was professed of the four vows 2

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Thomas Hunter

Last Updated on September 20, 2012 by THOMAS HUNTER: (1712-1777), author, eldest son of William Hunter, born at Kendal, Westmoreland, and baptised there on 30 March 1712, was educated at the Kendal Grammar School, and matriculated at Queen’s College, Oxford, on 2 July 1734. In 1737, he was elected master of the Blackburn Grammar School,

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Thomas Alexander Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by THOMAS ALEXANDER HUNTER: M.A., M.Sc.; Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Victoria College, University of New Zealand, since 1909; b. Croydon, London, 1876; 3rd s. of William Hunter, banker; educ.: Otago Univ. Dunedin Senior Scholar N.Z. University, and M.A. with 1st class Honours in Mental and Moral Philosophy;

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The Hunter Coat of Arms

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by Sir Bernard Burke, of Heralds College, London, said “Heraldry is prized by all who can show honorable ancestry or who wish to found honorable families.” While Coats of Arms are not recognized by law in the United States, more American families than ever before are displaying Coats of

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Summers Hunter

Last Updated on September 19, 2012 by SUMMERS HUNTER: C.B.E. 1918; J.P.; M. Inst. C.E., etc.; Chairman and Managing Director, The North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne and Sunderland; b. 12 July 1856; s. of John Ranson Hunter and Mary Isabella Dunliffe Hunter; educ.: Royal Academy, Inverness; privately; Wedgewood Institute, Burselem. Apprenticed to Barker &

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Stanley Armstrong Hunter

Last Updated on October 23, 2012 by STANLEY ARMSTRONG HUNTER: clergyman; b. Orangeville, Ont., Aug. 23, 1888; s. of Rev. William Armstrong and Eliz. (Chambers) Hunter; student Denver U., 1905-06; A.B., Prince ton, 1910; A.M., Columbia, 1914; grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1916; D.D., Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, 1925; m. Elizabeth, dau. Harold Peirce, of Haverford,

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