Biographical Sketch of E. A. Boise

E.A. Boies, dealer in general hardware, is a native of O.; moved to Magnolia, Harrison County, Ia., in 1867, and to Missouri Valley in 1869 and was employed as a salesman and journeyman tinner in the hardware business. He engaged in the business for himself in 1877, sold out after two years, and resumed business again in May 1881.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. P. R. Crosswait

Dr. P.R Crosswait, of the firm of P.R. Crosswait & Co., dealers in dry goods, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, was born in Fulton County, Ill., July 12th, 1853*; removed to Cass County, Ia., in 1856, and engaged in school teaching until the beginning of the late war, when he enlisted in the 1st Ia. Cav.; served three years west of the Missouri River; was in the battle of Prairie Grove and the taking of Little Rock, Ark. In Sept. 1864, he was mustered out of the service, and went to Rush Medical College, Chicago, and in 1865 settled in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. B. F. Philbrook

Dr. B.F. Philbrook, one of the oldest established dentists in the county, was born in Camden, Me., in 1853; removed with his parents to Ohio., and received his education at the Ohio Weslyan University, at Delaware; moved to Ia., and engaged in the practice of dentistry with T.E. Weeks, of Council Bluffs; remained eighteen months, and in April, 1879; located at Dunlap. He has one of the best fitted offices in the west, with Johnson’s dental engine, extension instrument, bracket, surgeon’s case of liquid nitrous oxide gas, for the painless extraction of teeth, the pedal lever chair, with which any … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Stewart

Daniel Stewart, wagon maker, was born in Little Falls, Herkimer County, N.Y., Oct. 31st, 1833; moved to Logan in 1872 and engaged in his present business. He served during the rebellion in the 121st N.Y. Vol.; was in a number of important battles; was wounded Oct. 19th, 1864, and in hospital at Baltimore; was discharged May. 16th, 1865. He is a member of the A.O.U.W. and G.A.R. orders. He married Margaret M. Clarke, of Herkimer County, N.Y., in July 1861, and has one child a son.

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Shannon

Daniel Shannon, proprietor of Shannon’s meat market, established business in 1879. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1846; removed to Ogle County, Ill., in 1858; thence to Nebraska City in 1873; thence to Chicago, Ill., in 1874; and came to this city in 1875. He has served as town clerk one term. He married Helen V. Utley, of Syracuse, Neb. Frank L. Sharp, proprietor of Criterion sample room, and billiard hall-corner 3d and Douglas Sts.-was born in Ind. in 1853; removed to Sioux City in 1856.

Biographical Sketch of Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald, sheriff of Woodbury County, was born in Livingston County, N.Y., in 1844; removed to Wis., with his parents in 1849, and lived there until August 15th, 1862, when he enlisted in Co. B., 28th Wis. V.; served until 1865, and participated in a number of noted battles, among them being Helena, Little Rock, Pine Bluff and Spanish Fort battles. He came to this city in 1867, and engaged in the livery business; was deputy sheriff eight years, under John McDonald, and was elected to his present office in Oct., 1881.

Biographical Sketch of D.R. Archer

D.R. Archer, real estate dealer and proprietor of the Holcomb House, was born in Ind.; came to Ia. in 1880, and engaged in the real estate business; has sold since about twenty-five thousand acres of land, of which one-third has been to actual settlers. B.C. Bowman, of the firm of S.H. Bowman & Co., lumber dealers, is a native of Md.; moved to Neb. in 1876; thence to Ia. in 1879 and engaged in the lumber business at Odebolt, Ida Grove, Danbury and Battle Creek.

Biographical Sketch of D.D. Adams,

D.D. Adams, of the firm of Devore & Adams, auctioneers and commission merchants-who established business at Sioux City in 1869-was born in 1848; served in the U.S.A. one and one-half years under Colonel LaGrange, in Co. B., 1st. W.C. He lost a brother at Helena, Ark., who was captain of the company. Previous to coming to this place, the subject of this sketch was engaged in business three years in Wis.

Biographical Sketch of D.B. Kenyon

D.B. Kenyon, miller and grain dealer, was born in N.Y. in 1845; removed to Wis. in 1856, and from there to Onawa in 1872, and engaged in his present business. He was married in 1869 to N.F. Freeland. They have one son and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of D.A. Magee

D.A. Magee, of the firm of Hattenbach & Magee, grocers and wholesale dealers in cigars and tobacco, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1849; removed in 1855 to Davenport, Iowa, and from there to Omaha in 1856, and engaged in milling. He came to this city in 1869, and took charge of the city mill and elevator until 1877, when he engaged in his present business. He is now serving his third term in the city council and is president of the Sioux City water works. He married Adelia Hattenbach in 1876, and has one child-Oliver G.

Biographical Sketch of D. Rust, M.D.

D. Rust, M.D., of the firm of Rust & Morley, druggists, was born in Ill.; moved to Fremont County, Ia., in 1876. He established his present business in Whiting in 1879, and in 1880 L.A. Morley became a partner. They do a general drug business, and deal in paints, oils, etc.

Biographical Sketch of D. P. Simmons

D.P. Simmons, of the firm of Simmons & Co., dealers in hardware and agricultural implements, was born in Curtlandt County, N.Y., in 1849; removed with parents to Beloit, Wis., in 1854, where he attended the Beloit College; then traveled for Northwestern Paper Co., of Chicago; then for Booth & Hinman, of Beloit, and in 1873 engaged in the boot and shoe business. In 1879, he removed to Dunlap, Ia., and bought out the stock of Mr. Jackson, and with T.S. Simmons, engaged in his present business. They handle goods from the leading manufactories, and employ a first-class tanner. He is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. M. Hardy

D.M. Hardy, deputy treasurer, was born in Glenwood, Ia., in 1851; removed with his parents to Harrison County, is son of Judge Hardy, one of the oldest settlers of this county and the first county judge. He is an extensive farmer, and one of the proprietors of Willow mill, the oldest mill in the county. Mr. Hardy is a member of the A.O.U.W. lodge, also of the I.O.O.F. He married Miss Severins, of Wis., in 1872. They have two sons and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of D. M. Gamet

D.M. Gamet, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Otsego County, N.Y., in 1811; moved to Ill. in 1837; thence in 1846 to Council Bluffs; remained there two years, and then removed to Glenwood Mills County, of which place he was one of the proprietors. In 1852 he settled at Magnolia, Harrison County, and was the first recorder and treasurer of the county. Five years later he removed to Little Sioux and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of D. Elliott

D. Elliott, dealer in crockery, glass, wood and willowware, house, hotel and steamboat furnishing goods, established this business in 1870; his establishment was destroyed by fire Dec. 5th, 1875; reopened Dec. 7th, of the same year. The building has two stories and basement, all of which he occupies, carrying one of the largest stocks of goods of this description west of Chicago. He was born in Pennsylvania; has been in Iowa twenty years; was formerly in business in Iowa City. H.E.Sawyers, head salesman, for the above firm, has been connected with this house for more than twelve years. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. Burgess

D. Burgess, proprietor of billiard parlor, was born in Courtland County, N.Y. He was employed for several years, as conductor on the S.B. & N.Y. Ry., also was telegraph operator for same road. He moved to Neb. in 1875, and engaged in the stock business; removed to Missouri Valley in 1877 and engaged in his present business, on the corner of Fifth and Erie Sts.

Biographical Sketch of D. B. Erisman

D.B. Erisman, wholesale dealer and manufacturer of cigars and tobacco, factory No. 220; was born in Lancaster, Penn., in 1844. He learned his trade there, and then established business in Lincoln, Neb., which he continued four and one-half years, and in July 1881, established his present business in Dunlap, Ia. Keeps three men employed, and has fine trade.

Biographical Sketch of Constant R. Marks

Constant R. Marks, of the firm of Marks & Blood, attorneys at law, was born in Durham, Green County N.Y., in 1841; graduated from the Albany law school, and in 1868 came to this city and opened his present office; in 1879 he was elected to the twelfth general assembly, and is at present a member of the school board. He served three months in the late war in Co. K. 8th Mass.V.

Biographical Sketch of Comstock Willey

Comstock Willey, farmer, was born in Asthabula County, Ohio., in 1821; removed to Harrison County, Ia., in 1867, and located on present farm, in Boyer township; owns 170 acres of good farming land, well improved, with bearing vineyard of two hundred vines, and good young orchard. He has been justice of the peace five years; is a member of the A.F. & A.M. order. He was married in Ashtabula County, Ohio., to Rosanna Bell, and has four children.

Biographical Sketch of Colonel A. Cochran

Colonel A. Cochran, was born in Va.; located at Little Sioux in 1854; went to Denver and Central City, Col., in 1861, and engaged in mining and mercantile business, and after four years in the land business at Council Bluffs, Ia. He owns large landed property near Little Sioux, Harrison County.