History of Alabama - Pickett

Pickett, Albert James. A transcription from the manuscript History of Alabama, Incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, From the Earliest Period. Charleston: Walker and James. 1851.

The Spaniards in Alabama and Mississippi

Last Updated on February 7, 2014 by Dennis England, having lost her West Florida provinces by the victories of Galvez, and having the American Whigs, as well as the natives of France, Spain and Holland, arrayed against her, was finally forced to retire from the unequal contest. A preliminary treaty of peace was signed at […]

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The Occupation Of Alabama And Mississippi By The English

In the mid-18th century, France ceded its North American territories to Spain and Britain, dividing the land along the Mississippi River and beyond. The secret treaty gave Spain the western side, including New Orleans and other regions up to the river’s sources, while Britain received Canadian lands, Mobile, and east of the Mississippi, forming East and West Florida. West Florida’s northern boundary was later extended to include parts of present-day Alabama and Mississippi, with the Illinois province encompassing the Northern regions. British rule brought organizational changes, with the establishment of English law, encouragement of migration from Britain and the American colonies, and various governors ruling the territory, with Peter Chester being notably esteemed. The French population endured, avoiding the excessive lifestyle of the English that led to a health crisis in Mobile in 1765. West Florida faced natural disasters, like hurricanes, and political issues, culminating in resistance to a three-year legislative term, resulting in a lack of representation. Pensacola thrived architecturally, and nearby Georgia saw land treaties with indigenous tribes to settle debts, though they led to conflict and resettlements. Britain’s southern colonies remained heavily militarized, with slavery ongoing, and the introduction of new crops and trading practices.

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The Migration of Alabama and Muscogee Indians East

Last Updated on June 17, 2014 by It has been seen that the Indians living in that part of Alabama through which De Soto passed, were the Coosas, inhabiting the territory embraced in the present counties of Benton, Talladega, Coosa, and a portion of Cherokee; the Tallases, living upon the Tallapoosa and its tributary streams;

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The Indians of Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi

Last Updated on September 22, 2016 by Dennis The Indians of Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi were so similar in form, mode of living and general habits, in the time of De Soto and of others who succeeded him in penetrating these wilds, that they will all be treated, on the pages of this chapter,

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The Creek Nation

Last Updated on June 17, 2014 by The Creek woman was short in stature, but well formed. Her cheeks were rather high, but her features were generally regular and pretty. Her brow was high and arched, her eyes large, black and languishing, expressive of modesty and diffidence. Her feet and hands were small, and the

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Terrible Massacre At Natchez

The colony of Louisiana was now in a flourishing condition; its fields were cultivated by more than two thousand Negroes; cotton, indigo, tobacco and grain were produced; skins and furs of all descriptions were obtained in a traffic with the Indians; and lumber was extensively exported to the West India islands. The province was protected by eight hundred troops of the line; but the bloody massacre of the French population of Fort Rosalie, at the Natchez, arrested these rapid strides of prosperity, and shrouded all things in sadness and gloom. Our library contains many accounts of this horrible affair, which harmonize very well with each other; but in reference to the causes which led to it, more particularly, we propose to introduce the statement of Le Page Du Pratz, who was residing in Louisiana at the time.

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Natchez, Mobilians, Chatots, Thomez and Tensas

Last Updated on June 17, 2014 by In 1718, the French West India Company sent, from Rochelle, eight hundred colonists to Louisiana. Among them was a Frenchman of intelligence and high standing, named Le Page Du Pratz, who was appointed superintendent of the public plantations. After a residence of sixteen years in this country, he

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Hardships of the Early Natchez Emigrants

Last Updated on February 6, 2014 by Dennis Taking the reader with us, to the settlements of the distant Natchez region, he will find that emigrants continued to pour in, upon those fertile hills and alluvial bottoms, from all parts of “his majesty’s Atlantic plantations.” Many were the hardships and perils they encountered, in reaching

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Extreme Perils and Suffering of the Natchez Refugees

Last Updated on February 7, 2014 by Dennis During the siege of Pensacola, a series of events, of an interesting and romantic character, began at Natchez, and afterwards ended, with unparalleled sufferings, in the vast Indian wilderness, which extended from thence to the Ogechee River, in the distant province of Georgia. Some citizens of the

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Bossu’s Visit To The French Forts Upon The Alabama And Tombigby Rivers

In the mid-1700s, Captain Bossu, a French Marine, embarks on a voyage from New Orleans to Fort Toulouse, home to the Alabama and Creek Indians. After a 50-day journey, he arrives to a warm reception by Montberaut, the fort’s esteemed commandant, who shares his successful strategies for maintaining good relationships with the neighboring tribes. During Bossu’s stay, he observes the Creeks’ peace and prosperity, evidenced by their generosity and eloquence.

The fort experiences tumultuous events, including a mother threatened with execution for her son’s crime, but the son bravely surrenders to save her. Later, Bossu is present for the pompous arrival and negotiation efforts with the young Emperor of Coweta, witnessed by Bossu and the French officers.

Fort Toulouse sees various commandants following the whims of colonial governance. Bossu eventually transitions to Fort “Tombecbe” under orders, facing an alligator encounter and foraging ventures along the way. The narrative celebrates the vibrant culture and environment of pre-colonial Alabama, contrasted against its transformation under American expansionism.

As European conflicts spill into colonial territories, France loses its hold on Louisiana in the face of British victory, signified by commanding officers transferring posts to British control. The French finally evacuate, with the Chevalier Lavnoue disposing of all military assets at Fort Toulouse before departing for Mobile, marking the end of French dominion in the region.

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