First Christian Party of Oneida Indians 1849 Report

State of New York No. 46. IN SENATE, FEB. 27, 1849REPORT Of the Committee on Indian Affairs on the petition of the Chiefs, &c., of the First Christian Party of Oneida Indians. The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of the Chiefs and Headmen of the First Christian Party of Oneida. Indians residing at Duck Creek in the State of Wisconsin, REPORT: That the petitioners ask relief in respect to two particulars, to wit: 1. The interest on the sum of $1,504 paid to the State by I. B. Terry on the 1st of April 1832, … Read more

Exhibit B – First Christian Party of Oneida Indians Report

Oneida Purchase of 1824. (Sold per resolution of Land Office, 27th April, 1826, and act, ch. 49, of 1826.) Lots Acres. Value Per Acre. Value Per Lot. Purchasers (Vendue 25th May, 1825.) Consideration Paid 1 26 6 00 156 00 Samuel Hollister, April 29th, 1826 156 00 20 00 2 91.65 5 00 458 25 Angel Deferrior, May 25, 1825 1,120 00 140 00 3 112.90 4 00 451 60 Angel Deferrior, May 25, 1825 755 00 95 00 4 119.75 3 00 359 25 Henry C. Williams, May 25, 1825 515 00 65 00 5 100. Abraham Denny’s Reserve, … Read more

Exhibit A – First Christian Party of Oneida Indians Report

EXHIBIT A. Second Oneida Purchase of 1829. Lots Acres Per Acre Per Lot Purchasers Consideration Paid 1 80.44 $12 00 $965 28 Harvey Cobb, vendue, 30th March 1830 $1,325 00 $332 00 2 89.29 12 00 1,071 48 Burton H. Dyre, 30th March 1830 1,105 00 277 00 3 89.69 11 00 986 59 Timothy N. Ferrell, 30th March 1830 1,020 00 255 00 4 46.28 7 00 323 96 Daniel B. Moot, 30th March 1830 425 00 107 00 5 71.90 7 50 539 25 Ebenezer Nye, 30th March 1830 980 00 245 00 6 71.90 8 00 575 … Read more