Biographical Sketch of Captain Obed Metcalf

CAPT. OBED METCALF, his second son, was active in town and church affairs, was father Of STEPHEN, a prominent farmer at Haverhill, N. H., and grandfather of HENRY H., a lawyer, and CARLOs G., physician, sons of Joseph.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Moses Whipple

CAPTAIN MOSES WHIPPLE, son of Jacob, born at Grafton, MA, in 1733, came to Croydon, 1766. His was one of the first three families that came to town. Being well educated, intelligent, distinguished for energy and decision of character, warm-hearted, hospitable and generous to all, he was well calculated to be what he indeed was,-a father to the town. No one in town was ever more trusted or respected.. He filled many important offices, and was chairman of the Committee of Safety during tae Revolutionary struggle.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Edward Hall

CAPT. EDWARD HALL, Son of Lieut. Edward Hall, opened the first store of note in town. It was situated on the top of the swell of land between East Village and Four Corners. He is remembered as a shrewd, prosperous trader. He died March 14, 1817, aged 57 years.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Ariel Hall

CAPT. ARIEL HALL, son of Darius Hall, married Asenath, daughter of Capt. John Humphry, and after operating awhile in town removed to Williamstown, Vt., where he now resides and is carrying on extensive farming business.

Biographical Sketch of Captain Amasa Hall

CAPT. AMASA HALL, Son of Abijah Hall, was born Feb. 7, 1789; married Rebecca L. Melendy in 1811. He was an active business man and one of our most successful farmers. He was distinguished for energy and decision of character, a clear bead and ready judgment. He belonged to that portion of Croydon which was subsequently set off to Grantham. He was a Captain in the war of 1812; was Selectman of Grantham for eight years; Representative from Croydon in 1824 and 1825, and from Grantham in 1832, ’34, ’35, and ’36; Road Commissioner in 1841, and a Director in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Zina Goldthwait

CAPT. ZINA GOLDTHWAIT, Son Of Samuel, was born Nov. 6, 1787, commenced on the homestead, and was an extensive and tidy farmer, kept a dairy of fifty cows. He was a hightoned, exemplary man, gentlemanly in his bearing, and quite a favorite. While in town he held many offices. He removed to Newport, where he has been elected to many important town offices, and been a leading member of the Baptist Church. He married Anna, daughter of Col. Henry Howard.

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Alexander Barton

Capt. ALEXANDER BARTON, son of Benjamin Barton, Esq., was born June 14, 1804, After leaving Croydon he spent a few years at Ludlow, Vt., and from thence removed to Boston, where, immersed in business, has been spent the greater portion of his active life. He is courteous and genial in his intercourse with others, and hence was always quite a favorite. In his earlier days he was much in office. He was Representative from his native town for the years 1836, 1837 and 1843, and was in 1850 a member of the Constitutional Convention of Vermont.

Biographical Sketch of Calvin Hall

CALVIN HALL, son of Capt. Edward Hall, a popular man and extensive farmer, after enjoying many honors in his native town, removed to Lowell, Mass., where he now resides.

Biographical Sketch of Calvin Hall

CALVIN HALL, son of Capt. Edward Hall, a popular man and extensive farmer, after enjoying many honors in his native town, removed to Lowell, Mass., where he now resides.

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Putnam

DAVID PUTNAM and CALEB PUTNAM came to this town from Sutton, Mass., among the early emigrants, and settled on the south-east slope of the Pinnacle, in a locality long known as the ” Salt Box.” They were noted for a hardy constitution and great industry.

Biographical Sketch of Bushrod Rice Gibson

BUSHROD RICE and GARDNER WINSLOW, sons of William Gibson, were both physicians. The former died at Pomfret, Vt., many years since; the latter entered the army as an officer, and was killed at Cold Harbor.

Biographical Sketch of Briant Brown

BRIANT BROWN was a social man. He came from Williston, Vt., and married Abigail, daughter of Capt. Edward Hall. He resided at the Flat, was Representative in 1827 and 1828, and was more or less engaged in public business. He died Feb. 18, 1854, aged 61 years.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Swinnerton

BENJAMIN SWINNERTON, one of the early settlers, once quite a favorite in town, was drowned at an early age while attempting to swim across the Connecticut River in company with an Indian.

Biographical Sketch of Bazaleel Barton

BAZALEEL BARTON was one of the company that dispersed the Mass. Legislature, then sitting at Worcester, at the commencement of the Revolution. They were away to dinner. He stood at the door, and when they approached in procession, with royal gown and cap-with loaded gun and fixed bayonet bid them defiance.

Biographical Sketch of Baron Stow, D.D.

BARON STOW, D.D., born June 16, 1801, graduated at Dartmouth and was settled in Boston. Having a pure heart, a vigorous intellect, an eloquent tongue and attractive manners, he was the favorite son of the town, and was one of the most popular clergymen in the Baptist denomination.

Biographical Sketch of Baron Stow, D. D.

BARON STOW, D. D., eldest son of Peter and Deborah Stow, and grandson, by his father’s side, of Jonah and Lydia Stow, and by his mother’s, of Jeremiah and Love Nettleton, was born in the westerly part of Croydon, June 16, 1801. In September, 1809, his parents removed to Newport, where for a few years he had the advantages of a good common school, under the tuition of such excellent teachers as Benjamin Cummings and William R. Kimball, of Cornish; Austin Corbin, William A. Chapin, Moses Chapin and Carlton Hurd, of Newport, and Samuel Blanchard, of Croydon. In December, 1818, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas C. Whipple

BARNABAS C. WHIPPLE, one of the Committee of Arrangements the youngest son of David, and grandson of Aaron Whipple, was born in 1822. He married Sarah Whitney. He is an industrious farmer, and resides with his father at the homestead.

Biographical Sketch of Austin Putnam, M. A.

AUSTIN PUTNAM, M. A., son of Samuel and Susan Gibson Putnam, and grandson of Caleb Putnam, was born March 6, 1809. After pursuing his studies in the district school and at Newport Academy, he entered Dartmouth College in 1825. At the close of his second year, circumstances led him to relinquish his plan of a full collegiate course, and he soon after commenced the study of law in the office of Hon. F. A. Tallmage and Charles F. Grim, Esqrs., of New York City, and completed it in the office of Hon. John P. and J. Newland Cushman, Esqrs., of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augusta Cooper Bristol

AUGUSTA COOPER BRISTOL, daughter of Col. Otis and Hannah Powers Cooper, was born April 17, 1835. She was early distinguished for a vigorous intellect, great fondness for music, and a passion for poetry and literature. She taught school with decided success from sixteen to twentyone. She gave much attention to music ; and her frequent Contributions, both of poetry and prose, to some of the leading journals and magazines of the day, commencing at the age of fifteen, find many admirers. She was married to Mr. Gustavus F. Kimball, of East Canaan, N. H., in August, 1857, by whom she … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asaph Stow

ASAPH STOW removed to Sempronius, N. Y., where he enjoyed in a good degree the confidence of the community and was intrusted with much public business. He was one of the messengers to carry the Presidential Vote to Washington.