Biography of Isaac E., Lambert, Sr.

Isaac E. Lambert, Sr., whose tragic death in the burning of the Copeland Hotel at Topeka in 1908 is generally recalled, was in his time one of the most prominent attorneys of Kansas and stood in the forefront of his profession and also as a public leader. His son, Isaac E. Lambert, Jr., is also a lawyer, a resident of Emporia, and is now serving as chief clerk of the Kansas House of Representatives. At the time of his death Isaac E. Lambert, Sr., was fifty-five years of age and in the prime of his powers. He was born in … Read more

Biography Of Irving Hill

Irving Hill, of this sketch, is one of the citizens of prominence in Lawrence, who is identified with the younger generation in the promotion of its industries, its finances and its civic affairs. He is of good Scotch blood, and comes naturally by his traits of intellectual and business acumen. William Hill, his father, was born in Greenock, a suburb of Glasgow, and when a boy came with his parents to the United States and settled at Baraboo, Wisconsin. There he followed newspaper work, became owner of a paper in that place, and later corresponded for the Chicago Tribune and … Read more

Biography of Irvin F. Benest

Irvin F. Benest. The Benest family came to Kansas in 1871. Two years later came the great financial panic following the failure of Jay Cooke on the famous Black Friday. It was an era of wide spread distress, but Kansas people during those years had even more grievous burdens than hard times. The grasshoppers came as a plague, there were successive seasons of drouth, crops were a rarity, and there was little market for what the farmers did produce. It was during the height of the hard times of that decade that Irvin F. Benest, a lawyer and president of … Read more

Biography of Ira Puderbaugh, M.D.

Ira Puderbaugh, M. D. The second physician in practice at Ozawkis was Dr. Aaron Puderbaugh, and in that same locality his son Dr. Ira Puderbaugh had handled the bulk of the professional work for the past fifteen years. Ozawkie is the native town of Dr. Ira Puderbaugh, where he was born March 5, 1878. His ancestors were Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania in very early times. His grandfather was born in Pennsylvania in 1810, afterwards moved to Western Ohio, from there to Indiana, and finally came to Kansas, where be lived retired until his death at Ozawkie in 1883. Dr. Aaron … Read more

Biography of Ira C. Buzick

Ira C. Buzick was one of the pioneer lawyers of Lincoln County. He was the first man elected to represent that county in the State Legislature after the county was formally organized in 1870. He had a long and active career as a lawyer and in public affairs, and the name is still continued on the professional rolls of the Kansas bar through his son, Alonson Ruckman Buzick of Salina. Ira C. Buzick was born June 21, 1841, at Dayton, Ohio. His parents were also native Ohioans. At the age of twenty-two he took up the study of law, and … Read more

Biography of Ike N. Williams

One of the strong and growing political figures in Kansas during recent years had been Ike N. Williams. A natural leader of men and at the same time an able and industrious lawyer, it is but natural that his name should as it does appear frequently on the pages of political history. He had, since locating at Wichita, in 1910, always used his fine legal talents in the furtherance of what he had believed to be for the best interests of the city, merging the two characters of citizen and lawyer into a high personal combination. In his participation in … Read more

Biography of I. F. Sarver

I. F. Sarver. It was due to his personal popularity and his high business standing that I. F. Sarver was elected sheriff of Sedgwick County in 1914. It was the first and only office for which he was ever a candidate, and he was elected by a large majority by his wide circle of friends in both parties, and reelected in 1916 by a large majority. Sheriff Sarver is almost a native son of Kansas, having been brought to the state when two years of age, and is thoroughly typical of the splendid spirit of this commonwealth. He was born … Read more

Biography of I. A. Robertson

I. A. Robertson has been an increasing factor in mercantile affairs at Alma for a number of years, and was recently honored by the citizens of that town in election to the office of mayor. The Robertsons were pioneers in Jewell County, Kansas, where I. A. Robertson was born in Holmwood Township July 29, 1872. He is of Scotch ancestry, his forefathers having originally lived at Glasgow. They came to New York City and from there to Butler County, Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Thomas Robertson, brought this branch of the family to America. He was a pattern maker by trade and … Read more

Biography of Hugh Philip Farrelly, Hon.

During a period of thirty years Hon. Hugh Philip Farrelly had been a member of the Kansas bar, and few men have a better record for straightforward and high professional conduct, or for success earned with honor and without arimosity. Mr. Farrelly, who had practiced at Chanute since 1887, is a man of scholarly attainments and exact and comprehensive knowledge of the law, and, while an active democrat and an ex-member of the Kansas State Senate, is at present concerned chiefly with the pressing and constantly broadening duties of his profession. Hugh Philip Farrelly was born September 2, 1858, on … Read more

Biography of Hugh H. Morrison

Hugh H. Morrison. The history of Salina from beginning to the present time was like an open book to Hugh H. Morrison, who went to that section of Kansas when it was far out on the frontier and before Kansas had become a state of the Union. For over fifty-five years he lived there, and the farm which he once cultivated had gradually been absorbed within the city limits of Salina. His was a prominent part in connection with the various movements and events of Salina’s early history. Mr. Morrison was born August 8, 1836, in a log house on … Read more

Biography of Hugh Ellsworth West

Hugh Ellsworth West has been one of the most prominent citizens of Independence for many years, though his interests as an oil operator have extended far and wide and now include valuable holdings in perhaps half a dozen states. The family were pioneers in Indiana, in which state in Clinton County Hugh E. West was born December 11, 1864. His great-grandfather William West was a native of Kentucky, and went into Indiana when almost the entire state was a wilderness. He died in Clinton County when ninety-six years of age, while his wife lived to be ninety-one. The West family … Read more

Biography of Hugh Carlin

Hugh Carlin. From their quiet firesided in their comfortable homes at Salina, Kansas, there are men now retired from active life who can recall without an effort of memory the days when this busy city was little more than an Indian camping ground and pioneer conditions existed for miles adjacent. The hardy men who have been the upbuilders of Saline County have known both stirring times and hardships. They have lived in dugouts, have pursued and killed game for sustenance and have suffered from the depredations and offenses of hostile Indians. In counting the years they do not seem so … Read more

Biography of Howard L. Snyder M. D.

Howard L. Snyder, M. D. Doctor Snyder is of old American family. His paternal ancestors came out of Holland in colonial times and located in Southern Pennsylvania. From that state the family by successive stages had come fully half way across the continent. Doctor Snyder was born in Woodford County, Illinois, October 10, 1878. His father, David Snyder, was born in Ross County, Ohio, in 1820. He moved west to Woodford County, Illinois, in 1848, and became one of the leading farmers and stock raisers there. He died in Woodford County in April, 1895. David Snyder was a republican in … Read more

Biography of Howard J. Hodgson

Howard J. Hodgson, who had practiced law at Eureka since 1888, had gained a strong hold on the business, professional and civic affairs of his home county, and is one of the prominent Kansans of today. Mr. Hodgson had lived in this state since he was six years of age, his people being pioneers of Greenwood County. He is a native of Canada, having been born near Lindsay in County Victoria, Ontario, October 6, 1863. His grandfather, John Hodgson, was born in England in 1795, and as a young man immigrated to Canada and spent his active years as a farmer in … Read more

Biography of Howard F. Martindale

Howard F. Martindale was born at Madison, Kansas, June 5, 1872. He grew up on the Martindale homestead adjoining that town, attended the district school and later the Emporia High School, from which he was graduated in 1893. He spent the following autumn and the spring of 1894 in the University of Kansas, but the call of the farm and the prairies was too strong, and he did not return to school the next fall. Since that time Mr. Martindale had given his primary attention to farming and stock-raising, and had made a distinct success of both. He managed his … Read more

Biography of Howard Dwight Pinkham

Howard Dwight Pinkham. Following is the record of a very successful Kansas business man and farmer. A citizen of New England antecedents and training, he was for many years a resident of Kansas, and toward the close of his life a farmer in Walnut Township of Saline County near Mentor. Born January 4, 1847, at North Chelsea, Massachusetts, Howard Dwight Pinkham was a son of Vincent and Lois (Low) Pinkham, both of whom were New Englanders. He was one of twelve children, the only survivor of whom is Herbert L., who lives at Salina. The other children were named James, … Read more

Biography of Howard C. Tillotson

Howard C. Tillotson. Some men make a success in life apparently by disregarding the old rule of sticking to one thing and to one place. The possession of several talents, and the judgment to make use of them operate to contradict the rule which the average person finds safe for his guidance. One of these men of varied abilities and varied experiences is Howard C. Tillotson, a prominent resident of Latham. Mr. Tillotson is a native of Kansas, and both he and his wife are people of special interest and note because of what they have done for others as … Read more

Biography of Horatio W. Gates

Horatio W. Gates is one of the oldest and best known undertakers and embalmers in the State of Kansas. He had been in business for many years at Rossdale, his present location being 29 Southwest Boulevard. He had not been alone in that profession, and it is noteworthy that Mrs. Gates was the first woman to receive an embalmer’s license in either Kansas or Missouri, and while many women have in recent years taken up the profession she was one of the real pioneers. Mr. Gates was born August 2, 1849, at Mansfield, Ohio, but had been a resident of … Read more

Biography of Horace Mann Philips

Horace Mann Philips. Up to twenty-five years ago Horace Mann Philips was a Pennsylvania banker. To look after his investments in Kansas real estate he came West, and the visit made such a strong impression upon his mind that he determined forthwith to identify himself with the growing Sunflower State. He had been a resident of Kansas ever since, was a former county treasurer of Shawnee County, and is now engaged in banking at Dover in that county. Mr. Philips was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, December 7, 1850. He is one of four children, two of whom are still … Read more

Biography of Horace Greeley Kyle

Horace Greeley Kyle, whose name is widely known over the State of Kansas on account of his legislative experience and active participation in public and business affairs, is a successful stock farmer and owned a splendid place in Dickinson County known as “The Cedars.” That is the scene of his business activities as a farmer and raiser of blooded livestock. Mr. Kyle is a native of Kansas and belongs to the pioneer and territorial element. He was born in a log cabin four miles west of Holton in Jackson County October 21, 1861. His father, James B. Kyle, came to … Read more