Biography of Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson. The honors and responsibilities of public life come with singular appropriateness to Thomas Anderson, of Salina, where he was among the first group of pioneer settlers and where his home and activities have been centered for the past fifty-five years. He retired from business a number of years ago, and the greater part of his time since his retirement had been spent in the office of county commissioner of Saline County. This old time citizen of Salina is a Scotchman by birth. He was born March 24, 1838, at Fenwick, Scotland, a son of Archibald and Margaret (Young) … Read more

Biography of Thomas A. Stevens, M. D.

Thomas A. Stevens, M. D. In the great majority of cases, heredity has no rights which the biographers of successful Americans, especially those of the West, feel called upon to respect. However, in shaping the course of some men it wields a distinct influence, and must be noted when the tendency born in a man is nurtured by an ever-present force in the same lines, crowding other avenues of thought and compelling devotion to a certain vocation or profession. Heredity, supplementing environment and training, has had much to do in shaping the career of Dr. Thomas A. Stevens, a leading … Read more

Biography of Thomas A. Biggs

Thomas A. Biggs, cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Barnard, and one of the progressive and enterprising business men and financiers of Lincoln County, was born on a farm six miles south of Barnard, February 13, 1881, a son of Capt. John J. and Mary Ann (Stokes) Biggs. The Biggs family were pioneers in Ohio, where, in Meigs County, January 13, 1838, was born Capt. John J. Biggs. His title was secured as a soldier during the Civil war, he having enlisted from his native county in 1861 as a member of an Ohio volunteer infantry regiment, from which … Read more

Biography of Thilon J. Rollman

Thilon J. Rollman. While the community of Brookville in Saline County had known Mr. Rollman as a banker for some years, his chief distinction in that part of Kansas rests upon his long and active service as an educator. He is one of the veteran school men of the state, and for thirty-two years he held the principalship of the Brookville schools, which constitutes the longest continuous service in such a position in any one community in Kansas. The influence exerted by such a man of high ideals in the lives of the hundreds of individuals who came under his … Read more

Biography of Theodore Weichselbaum

Theodore Weichselbaum. It is interesting and instructive to chronicle the worthy achievements of so honorable and industrious a life as that of the late Theodore Weichselbaum, for many years active in the business affairs of Riley County, Kansas, for fifty-seven of these being a resident of Ogden. Founded on a sound education, Mr. Weichselbaum’s natural sagacity, shrewdness and great business sense were brought into play and he accumulated a vast fortune through entirely legitimate channels. Theodore Weichselbaum was born June 10, 1834, at Furth, in the Province of Bavaria, Germany, and he died at Ogden, Riley County, Kansas, March 9, … Read more

Biography of Theodore Saxon

Theodore Saxon. The career of Theodore Saxon is an expression of well directed and intelligent industry, of devotion to the best interests of the community, and promotion of the highest tenets of agriculture. His financial standing is indicated by the possession of 1,240 acres of Kansas land, all of which had come to him through the exercise of thrift, good management and business sagacity. Like so many founders and builders of civilization in Shawnee County, Mr. Saxon, who is now a retired resident of Topeka, sprang from the soil of the Hoosier state, and carved his way to prominence and … Read more

Biography of Theodore Poehler

Theodore Poehler. Of the able and large-hearted Germans who emigrated from the fatherland when Kansas was one of the frontier territories of the United States, none hold a more secure place in the admiration and affection of living pioneers and their descendants than Theodore Poehler, whose death occurred at Lawrence, December 31, 1901, a few days after he had entered his seventieth year. He stood for industry, thrift, a broad business outlook, warm affections, a Christian charity, practical usefulness, wide culture and thoroughness in education, as well as every other activity of life. Besides his many good works, a monument … Read more

Biography of Theodore H. Terry

Theodore H. Terry. While his home for upwards of half a century had been in one of the quiet country towns of Saline County, the name of Theodore H. Terry is not unknown to the state at large. He had had the friendship and acquaintance of many prominent Kansans and his friendship and counsel have been valued and esteemed not only in his home town but elsewhere. Mr. Terry for many years was the genial village blacksmith of Bavaria, and had also become widely known as a breeder of Percheron horses and Spanish jacks. He is a native of the … Read more

Biography of Theodore H. Polace

Theodore H. Polace has been a lawyer of recognized standing and ability at the Marysville bar for over thirty-five years. His career began as a teacher, but he soon turned to the law and had found in it an occupation fitted to his talents and tastes, and had made it the medium of his chief service in the world. Mr. Polace was born near Grete in Will County, Illinois, March 12, 1860. He comes of a scholarly family and one that had given several members to the ministry of the Lutheran Church. His father, Rev. Gustav W. Polack, was born … Read more

Biography of Theodore F. Ismert

Theodore F. Ismert, president of the Ismert-Hincke Milling Company of Kansas City, Kansas, is a director and controlling factor in the great milling industries of the Missouri Valley. He and his family have been prominently identified with flour milling in this and other states of the Middle West for over half a century. The Ismerts are of French lineage. Theodore F. Ismert was born at his father’s home in Lebanon, Illinois, February 10, 1866, the oldest of five children. Only two are now living, his sister being Mrs. Hincke. Their parents were John and Amelia (Berrard) Ismert, both natives of … Read more

Biography of Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D.

Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D. A useful life crowded with activity and crowned with achievement both as a physician and as a citizen, Dr. Thaddeus C. Frazier, of Coffeyville, may still further be considered because he is the pioneer medical man of this city. For forty-two years he has been a physician and surgeon here and additionally has been a leader in all forward movements, accepting public positions as a helpful means of progress for the city, encouraging educational movements and through his stability of character conferring honor upon this whole section. Doctor Frazier was born in Henry County, Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Terkel Jensen

Terkel Jensen. Few business men in Southern Kansas have a better record of substantial accomplishment than Terkel Jensen, who had been successfully identified with the wholesale produce business in this state for more than a quarter of a century, and is president of the Emporia Ice and Cold Storage Company, a large enterprise which is a direct outgrowth of his extensive operations as a produce commission man. Mr. Jensen came to Kansas in 1889, and since that date had had his home in Emporia. He had been in this country only 2½ years, but he had the energy, the ability … Read more

Biography of Talbert Jackson English

Talbert Jackson English, president of the First National Bank of Sterling, is one of the few mature business men and citizens who can claim Rice County as the place of their nativity. Mr. English had had an active business career in different lines, but for many years had been identified with the bank of which he is now the head. He was born near Sterling in Rice County, Kansas, November 20, 1874. His father is John McCollister English, who became widely known in this section of Kansas as a land owner and capitalist. The ancestry of this family goes back … Read more

Biography of T. W. Truskett

T. W. Truskett. The real estate brokerage business established by Thomas W. Truskett, in 1908, had gone hand in hand with the development of Caney since its inception and undoubtedly had contributed largely toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable and satisfactory placing of loans, as any concern of the kind in Montgomery County. Mr. Truskett is one of Caney’s substantial citizens; his success is self-made and in its scope and usefulness directs attention to qualities of perseverance, business integrity and ability and high regard for the welfare of the community. Mr. Truskett was born in Monroe County, … Read more

Biography of T. W. McCarthy

T. W. McCarthy is master mechanic of the Rock Island lince in the Kansas Division, and is a veteran in this branch of railroad service. He began his career many years ago as an apprentice back in New York, and had risen stsadily in the grade of responsibilities until he is now at the head of the large shops of the Rock Island Road at Horton, which is division headquarters. He is master mechanic in the shops situated just west of the city limits, and had the general oversight and supervision of 700 employes. At one time or other every … Read more

Biography of T. P. Mannion

T. P. Mannion, postmaster of El Dorado, had long been identified with that city as a business man and citizen. He therefore knows what the community expects of the postoffice, and had the executive and business ability to give adequacy to its service and make the local office what the general postal system had been called “an instrument of trade and industry,” and “enlarger of the common life.” Mr. Mannion was born in Macon City, Missouri, March 2, 1866, and when only one year old was brought to Butler County, Kansas, by his parents, John and Margaret Mannion. Both parents … Read more

Biography of T. C. Long, M. D.

T. C. Long, M. D., now of Independence, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Kansas for the past fifteen years. His reputation is especially based on his skill as a surgeon, and he is rated as one of the most proficient in that class of work in Montgomery County. He was near Portland in Jay County, Indiana, February 5, 1871. His grandfather, who died at the age of forty years, was a native of Ohio and moved from that state to a farm in Jay County. That farm, settled by the family more than … Read more

Biography of T. A. Kramer

T. A. Kramer. To succeed as a member of the bar of Southeastern Kansas requires more than ordinary ability which had been carefully trained along the lines of the profession, as well as a vast fund of general information and keen judgment with regard to men and their motives. In the rapidly growing communities of this section there is so much competition, events crowd each other so closely, and circumstances play so important a part in the shaping of events, that the lawyer is compelled to be a man capable of grasping affairs with a competent hand to effect satisfactory … Read more

Biography of Sylvester Freemont Wicker

Sylvester Freemont Wicker. In point of experience and continuous practice Mr. Wicker is one of the oldest members of the bar in Greenwood County. He had been identified with a general practice as a lawyer and many business affairs in that section for the past thirty-three years. He now had his home and interests at Eureka. The stock from which he is descended is Scotch-Irish. The Wickers settled in North Carolina during colonial times. Mr. Wicker’s father and grandfather were natives of the Old North state. His grandfather James Wicker was born in North Carolina in 1807, and was an … Read more

Biography of Sylvanus Sylvester Longley

Sylvanus Sylvester Longley, now living retired at Greenleaf, is one of Kansas’ interesting personalities. Few men have succeedad in compressing even within eighty-three years of life so many varied activities and achievements. Mr. Longley traveled practically over all the habitable globe before he came to Kansas. He was a pioneer in this state, and his business and civic relations in Washington County have rolled up a wealth of esteem which he now enjoys in his declining years. Mr. Longley is a native of the Pine Tree state, born at Foxcroft, Maine, September 15, 1834. He is of old English ancestry, … Read more