Quartz Mountain Mining District

Laws “At a meeting of Quartz Miners held at Lount Cabin on Granite Creek December 27th 1863. John West was chosen Chairman and 0. M. Dorman Secretary – “The following laws & regulations for the better governing of Quartz Mining, as reported on by the committee, were taken up separately and adopted. “Article 1st. That this District shall be known & called the Quartz Mountain District, and shall be bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a Bald Mountain known as the North West corner of the Walker District running along the west line of said District to its South … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Rinehart

It is a pleasant task to scan the career of a successful man and to note the places where he has overcome the obstacles of life’s pathway and where he has made worthy achievements: and for a short time it is our good pleasure to thus contemplate the salient points of the life of the worthy gentleman, whose name initiates this article and who has been and is now one of the substantial and capable men of Wallowa County, having wrought for the development and advancement of the same in a manner that demonstrates both his ability and his integrity, … Read more