Skaggs, Henry T. – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Henry T. Skaggs was born in Indiana, Sept. 13, 1848, and died at his home in Enterprise on Dec. 25, 1920, aged 72 years, 3 months and 7 days. When a young man he moved to Missouri, and soon afterward to Madison, Kansas, where on Sept. 18, 1881, he was married to Miss Effie Martin. About 31 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Skaggs moved to Dayton, Washington, and 28 years ago they moved to Wallowa county, locating near Flora. A year ago last October they moved to Enterprise. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Effie Skaggs, one daughter, Mrs. … Read more

Wright, Mary – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon The passing of one of Wallowa’s pioneers occurred Tuesday morning July 9th, when Aunt Mary Wright died at her home in Enterprise after an illness of several months. She and her husband homesteaded on Alder slope among the very first settlers in the county. Had she lived until December would have 89 years. Three sons are living in this city: George, Layfayette and Tom Wright. One son, Henry Wright lives in Portland and a daughter, Mrs. H. A. Owenby at Oregon City. The funeral is this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Alder church, Rev. Sibley officiating. Wallowa … Read more

Walker, Harriet – Obituary

Lostine, Oregon Died at Lostine, August 26, 1917. Mrs. Harriet Walker at the age of 62 years, 7 months and 26 days. The deceased was born in Ohio in 1885, moving to Indiana with her father when she was 16 years of age. From there she went to Kansas where she made her home for twenty-five years and until she came to Wallowa county on the last of May, 1917, to make her home with her brother, Jess Walker. Her death was caused by asthma. The deceased leaves to mourn her death, three sisters and five brothers. The sisters are … Read more

Biography of William J. Combs

William J. Combs. Among the families which have been known in business circles of Leavenworth for more than half a century, one which had always borne an honorable reputation and a name for absolute integrity combined with notable achievements is that of Combs, as represented here by the late William J. Combs, who was connected with a number of business enterprises dating from the year 1858 until his death, and his son, George W. Combs, general superintendent of the Great Western Manufacturing Company, and the inventor of several appliances which have made his name widely known. William J. Combs, with … Read more

Biography of A. C. Shaffer

A. C. Shaffer. Necessary requisites of a good newspaper man in these modern days are trained faculties and an enlightened understanding. The world at large, in greater and greater degree is requiring educated men, not alone for the learned professions, but also for those along less trained lines, and it is an important part of the work of the newspapers throughout the country to furnish the mental stimulus without which none can hope to succeed. Particularly does this apply to the newspapers which circulate through the smaller cities and in the country districts, and one of the papers which had … Read more

Biography of Robert Ernest Cullison

Robert Ernest Cullison. The senior member of the well-known law firm of Cullison, Forrest & Clifford, Robert Ernest Cullison had long been a prominent figure in many of the legal controversies of Allen County, in which his unerring judgment and ability to provide the solution of many complexities have proven his right to be numbered among the distinguished members of the bar of his part of the state. Since the beginning of his career he had practiced at Iola, where he had on several occasions been the incumbent of official positions of importance. Mr. Cullison as a lawyer, conducting cases … Read more

Biography of Lewis Hanback

Lewis Hanback. In the summer of 1865, soon after the close of the Civil war, in which he had played a gallant part as a Union officer, Lewis Hanback came to Topeka to practice law. For many years he was one of the eminent members of the Kansas bar, and he was not less well known and esteemed in public affairs. He was one of the makers of Kansas history during the last half century. He was born at Winchester, Scott County, Illinois, March 27, 1839. He was the oldest of the six children of William and Ann Hanback. His … Read more

Biography of Forrest M. Hartley

Forrest M. Hartley’s talents made him foremost in the activities of college life while he was a student in Baker University. For a number of years he was actively identified with Kansas journalism and then returned to Baldwin City where he is now one of the leading merchants. Mr. Hartley was born at Indianola in Vermillion County, Illinois, July 26, 1874. He is one of the three children of George S. and Caroline (Vayhinger) Hartley. George S. Hartley, now a resident of Arkansas City, had for many years been a conspicuous figure in the political, banking and civic life of … Read more

Biography of Father Berthold Staubach

Father Berthold. That the Church of the Sacred Heart at Emporia is now one of the strongest and most efficient Catholic parishes in Kansas is due primarily to the devoted services of its pastors, and more particularly to Father Berthold, who had been in charge there for the past ten years. The record of the parish during this time is sufficient evidence of Father Berthold’s excellent ability as pastor and church executive, but with these qualities he also unites an equally important one of spiritual adviser to his people. A small number of Catholic people located in and around Emporia … Read more

Biography of Walter Roscoe Stubbs

Walter Roscoe Stubbs. The distinctive features of the service rendered by Mr. Stubbs as governor of Kansas from 1908 to 1912 had been described on other pages of this history. A few other details as to his work as governor and something as to his personality and career will be of wide interest to the citizens of Kansas. Everyone knows former Governor Stubbs as a man of wonderful business ability and of absolute integrity. It is only natural that the resources of personal character should be partly explained at least by reference to ancestry. When it is explained that Governor … Read more

Biography of Sylvester Freemont Wicker

Sylvester Freemont Wicker. In point of experience and continuous practice Mr. Wicker is one of the oldest members of the bar in Greenwood County. He had been identified with a general practice as a lawyer and many business affairs in that section for the past thirty-three years. He now had his home and interests at Eureka. The stock from which he is descended is Scotch-Irish. The Wickers settled in North Carolina during colonial times. Mr. Wicker’s father and grandfather were natives of the Old North state. His grandfather James Wicker was born in North Carolina in 1807, and was an … Read more

Biography of Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe

Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe is sole proprietor of the Alfalfa Milling Company of Emporia. This is a business of more than local proportions and makes a specialty of converting the great alfalfa crop of Kansas into special feed and combination of feed for livestock. Mr. Wolfe had been a resident of Kansas since early boyhood and his family were among the early settlers of Emporia. His original ancestors came from England in colonial times and many of them settled in Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Grandfather David Wolfe was born in Maryland in 1821 and died in Hagerstown of that state in … Read more

Biography of Elmer Eugene Kelley

E. E. Kelley during his thirty years of residence in Kansas had played a varied and honorable part in affairs, as an educator, farmer, and, in more recent years, as editor and publisher. He is now head of the Toronto Republican and a former president of the Kansas State Editorial Association. Taken in connection with what he had accomplished himself in life, Mr. Kelley may take a reasonable degree of pride in his American ancestry. The Kelley family goes back to Ireland. While the population of America was still straggling along the Atlantic coast in thirteen colonies, James Kelley emigrated … Read more

Biography of H. J. Huiskamp

H. J. Huiskamp. The continuation and extension of the business enterprises which bring reputation and prosperity to a community, in these days of keen competition, depend largely upon the sound business methods under which they are operated, under the management of able and efficient officials. While vast capital is invested in so great an enterprise as is the Buffalo Brick Company, at Buffalo, Kansas, much of its unexampled prosperity must be credited to the energy and good judgment of its general manager, H. J. Huiskamp, who is also secretary. Mr. Huiskamp had developed this into the largest concern of its … Read more

Biography of Robert Scott Mahan, M. D.

Robert Scott Mahan, M. D. While a high medical authority had declared that man’s organs, under natural strain only, ought to last 300 years, the fact is patent that only in rare cases do they function one-third of that time, and that threescore and ten, according to the Psalmist, covers the life history of the majority in any community who reach what is termed “old age.” To combat by medical knowledge and surgical skill the diseases that attack and the accidents that lay low mankind that shorten his life and ruin his happiness, the physician and surgeon is called. There … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Smith

Joseph R. Smith. The record of continuous service in the office of probate judge in Kansas is held by Joseph B. Smith, of Iola. The people of Allen County first elected Mr. Smith to handle the delicate responsibilities of the probate office in 1894. The term is for two years. Every succeeding two years the people have had an opportunity to express their judgment of Judge Smith’s administration, and every time, apparently regardless of political party fortunes or other considerations, his ability and varied qualifications have received the stamp of approval and in 1916 he was re-elected for the eleventh … Read more

Biography of Owen C. Wasson

Owen C. Wasson. Because of the success which had attended his efforts, his commercial soundness and acumen, his spirit of public helpfulness and his good citizenship, the career of Owen C. Wasson, of Peru, offers an encouraging example of prosperity and position gained through a proper utilization of ordinary opportunities. Since entering upon his independent life, numerous vocations have attracted the activities of Mr. Wasson, but he had made steady advancement in each, and is now the proprietor of a well-established hardware and implement business at Peru and one of the city’s substantial business citizens. Mr. Wasson was born on … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Huffman, M. D.

Charles S. Huffman, M. D. It is unusual for a medical man to become so widely and prominently identified with state affairs as Dr. Charles S. Huffman, of Columbus. Doctor Huffman is also a state senator, having represented his district in the State Senate for twelve years. On account of his long and arduous participation in the state militia, beginning with service in the famous Kansas Regiment during the Spanish-American war, he had attained the rank of brigade commander, and is one of the most active figures in the National Guard of the state. He made his mark in the … Read more

Biography of Nelson Case, Hon.

Hon. Nelson Case. It would be difficult to properly and justly review the history of Oswego and its responsible men through whose activities and public-spirited endeavors this city had attained its present importance and prestige, without giving due attention to the life of Hon. Nelson Case, who for forty-eight years had been a resident here, and who as a lawyer, judge, city official and counsel for large business interests, had been prominently identified with the municipality’s progress and development. Judge Case was born at Falls, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, April 22, 1845, a son of Chauncey and Mary Elma (Roberts) Case. … Read more

Biography of Frank Hubert Sherwood

Frank Hubert Sherwood was for many years a successful farmer in Elk County, but in recent years had been owner and had succeeded in developing a very strong independent telephone company at Grenola, and now gives his time and attention to the management of this exchange. Mr. Sherwood also enjoys the distinction of being the mayor of Grenola. The Sherwoods came originally from England, settling in Virginia in colonial days, and Mr. Sherwood’s grandfather, William Sherwood, was born in that state. He was an early settler in Southern Indiana, owned a farm in Bartholomew County, and died at Columbus in … Read more