Biography of William A. Quigley

William A. Quigley. A varied and eventful career had been that of Mr. Quigley, the efficient and popular cashier of the Kansas National Gas Company in the offices of this corporation at Independence, Montgomery County. Mr. Quigley claims the old Hoosier State as the place of his nativity, was there reared and educated and it was given him to represent that commonwealth as one of the valiant soldiers of the Union during the major portion of the Civil war. His activities in the business world have been diversified and he had been a resident of Kansas for the past thirty … Read more

Biography of Allen Long

ALLEN LONG. – The agricultural population of Union county is well known for their progressiveness and enterprise, and one of this capable number is mentioned at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we accord to him a representation in this volume, since he is one of the builders of the county and has manifested that broad public spirit in all of his ways that makes the loyal and up-to-date man, while his sagacity and uprightness have no less been displayed. Our subject was born in Noble county, Indiana, on May 5, 1851, being the son … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Straughan

When we think of the wonderful development of our country in the last half century we find that it is largely due to two agencies, railroad construction and civil engineering, and of both of these industries Joseph C. Straughan is a representative. The era of progress and development in the various sections of this great republic west of the Atlantic coast has been almost invariably ushered in by railroad construction, and the vast network of glistening rails that trace their parallel course over mountain and plain and through the fertile valleys, represent more than mere corporate enterprise and accomplishment, since … Read more

Biography of Sumner W. Dee

Mr. Dee is the only clothing merchant who deals exclusively in everything that pertains to men’s and boys’ wearing apparel in the city of Caldwell. He was born in Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, November 26, 1862, and is a son of Chester Dee, of Burlington, Vermont whose ancestors settled in Virginia in 1620. He is a direct descendant of the first colonial governor of Vermont, and members of the family were prominent in the early history of the colonies and in the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, when a boy, saw the battle at Ticonderoga. Mr. Dee married Miss Elizabeth Blake, … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. Clark

The Idaho canal is fed by Snake River, ten miles above Idaho Falls. It has three head gates, is forty feet wide and thirty-five miles long and irrigates one hundred thousand acres of land, the country which it waters being largely settled by prosperous farmers who raise hay and grain in large quantities. The productiveness of this stretch of country and the prosperity which flows from it are made possible by this great inland improvement, and the canal was made possible largely through the personal efforts of Joseph A. Clark, who advocated it, promoted it and was chiefly instrumental in … Read more

Biography of John M. Crooks

John M. Crooks, now deceased, was numbered among the Idaho pioneers of 1862 and was at one time the owner of the land upon which the town of Grangeville is now located. He was born in Indiana, June 28, 1820, and was of Irish and German lineage. He married Martha Pea, a native of Virginia, and in 1852 they crossed the plains to Oregon, accompanied by their five children. One child was added to the number during the journey. For many long weeks they were upon the way, traveling across the arid sands or through the mountain passes, but at … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Rich

Pioneer of Utah, California and Idaho, Charles C. Rich figured prominently in the early development of these states, and took an active part in furthering the welfare and promoting the progress of the commonwealths. He was also a most able exponent of the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and with a colony of believers he founded the beautiful and thriving little city of Paris, the County of Bear Lake, Idaho, and the Mormon colonies of southeastern Idaho. A native of Kentucky, Mr. Rich was born in Campbell County, in 1809, and was of English … Read more

Biography of Henry F. Samuels

There is coming to the front of Idaho a class of lawyers of the younger generation who are making their mark in no uncertain way and will be worthy successors to some of the older members of the bar when their time for retirement shall come. One of the best and most prominent of these is Prosecuting Attorney Samuels, of Shoshone County, some account of whose busy and successful career to the present time it is purposed to introduce here. Henry F. Samuels was born in Mississippi, April 4, 1869, a son of Captain Floyd and Isabella (Jenkins) Samuels. His … Read more

Biography of Alexander I. Watson

A third of a century has passed since Alexander Irwin Watson, of Grangeville, took up his abode in this section of Idaho, and for thirty-seven years he has been a resident of the state. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, June 2, 1830, a representative of one of the pioneer families there. His paternal grandfather was a native of Ireland, and on leaving that country crossed the ocean to America. He became an industrious farmer of Darke County, and served his adopted country as a soldier in the war of 1812. He was almost one hundred years of age … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. John W. Enoch

Capt. John W. Enoch, farmer, P. O. Mankato, was born in Ohio, October 4, 1825. Removed to Northern Indiana, thence to Northwestern Missouri. Enlisted in the United States army in 1862, in Company C, Fifth Missouri Cavalry. He raised the Company for the service, and was elected its Captain. He served two years as quartermaster of the regiment. Was discharged in 1864, in St. Joseph, Mo., when he returned to Atchison County, Mo. Was elected to the State Legislature of Missouri, and held said office in 1869-’70. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1874, and was elected Justice of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Gilbert

Frank Gilbert, merchant, was born in Erie County, Pa, January 6, 1844. Moved to Indiana; came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1870, and engaged in the grocery business in 1872. In 1873 the firm name was Faidley & Gilbert, and they continued in business until 1878. The firm of Mann & Gilbert are now carrying a heavy stock of general merchandise in a room 24×50 feet, including an upper floor of the same size. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Was married in Lagrange County, Ind., August 13, 1866, to Miss Ellen Austin, and they have two children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. J. Godfrey

A. J. Godfrey, druggist and grocer, was born in Kent County Mich., April 15, 1840. Removed with his parents to Indiana in 1841. Enlisted in the United States Army in Company B, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, May 28, 1861, and was discharged August 12, 1865, when he returned to Noble County, Ind., and was married to Miss Sarah Gilbert, January 18, 1866. Removed to Iowa in 1868. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in August 1870, and took a homestead, a part of which is the town site of Burr Oak. In the fall of 1872 Mr. Godfrey caused the said … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis P. Vance

Louis P. Vance, of Mankato, Jewell County, Kan., was born at Goshen, Elkhart County, Ind., December 9, 1837; removed at four and a half years of age to Jefferson County, Iowa, with his parents; was a farmer till his twenty-second year; spent two years prior to the war of the Rebellion in the Colorado mining regions. Enlisted in the service of the United States in March, 1862, as a member of Company B, Thirty-fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry; was promoted from the ranks through the grades of non-commissioned and two of the commissioned offices of the line; was mustered out in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. S. Horne

L. S. Horne, attorney-at-law, was born in North Carolina, September 28, 1828. Removed to Georgia, thence to Indiana, thence to Missouri, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1872. He enlisted in the United States Army, in Company H, Fifty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry; and was promoted from the ranks to the position of quartermaster. Was admitted to practice law in the State of Indiana, and again in Jewell County, Kan., where he has practiced his profession ever since his coming to Kansas. Mr. Horne was the president of the town company that proved upon the town of Mankato in 1874. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. F. Dillman

D. F. Dillman, livery, was born in Decatur County, Ind., February 21, 1854. Removed to Iowa in 1856 with his parents, thence to Cass County, Neb., thence to Wyoming Territory. Came to Jewell City in 1874, and took a homestead in Washington Township the same year. Held the office of Constable and City Marshal of Jewell City. Mr. Dillman left home when but fifteen years old to do for himself, and all that he has was accumulated by his own individual effort.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Tweedy

Thomas Tweedy, attorney-at-law, was born in Indiana, September 12, 1853; came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1878; studied law at Red Cloud, Neb., also at Oswego, Kan., and was admitted to practice at Verne, Jennings Co., Ind., June 19, 1881. He is the only practicing attorney in Burr Oak. Attended college at Lancaster, Ind. He was married in Burr Oak, September 12, 1882, to Miss Ella M. Story.

Biographical Sketch of J. T. Hollenbeck

J. T. Hollenbeck, merchant, was born in Indiana October 14, 1835; removed to Louisa County, Iowa, thence to Johnson County, thence to Grundy County, came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead, moved to Burr Oak, and engaged in general merchandising and is also extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, making fine stock a specialty. Is now doing business under the firm name of Faidley, Hollenbeck & Smith. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in Walnut Township, in Jewell Co., Kan. Was a soldier in the United States Army, in Company D, Sixteenth Iowa … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Huff

One of the pioneers of the northwest and one of the old residents of Caldwell is Thomas Jefferson Huff, the present assessor of Canyon County. He is a man of the highest integrity and ability, and stands well in the estimation of all who know him. A lifelong Democrat, and devoted to his party, he has never occupied a public office before, and has not been an aspirant for political honors and emoluments. In his business career he has met with success, and by well directed energy and good judgment he has amassed a comfortable fortune. Philip Huff, the paternal … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Abernathy

There are few of the representative and respected men of Idaho whose residence in the state antedates that of Mr. Abernathy, who came to the territory thirty-seven years ago and has been identified with the development of the Salubria valley since 1868. The old Indian trails, the uncultivated lands, the unopened mines and the uncut forests then to be seen, all told that the work of civilization lay in the future, and the subject of this review has been one of the advance guard that has carried forward the work of progress and improvement until Idaho is, indeed, the veritable … Read more

Biography of J. Elias Chapman

J. Elias Chapman was born in the state of Indiana, July 15th, 1848, and came to Texas with his parents in the year 1851. His grandfather was born in the year 1793. He migrated from South Carolina to the state of Indiana and from there moved into the state of Texas in the year 1850. Elias’ grandmother was born in the year 1796. Her maiden name was Polly Gray. These old people were united in marriage in the year 1816. Elias’ grandfather was a Methodist preacher and lived for a while and preached in the state of Kentucky, where Elias’ … Read more