The officers elected March 2, 1858, were as follows: Daniel A. Carpenter, Supervisor; Edgar Garret, Clerk; Hiram Willey and Morris J. Madge, Justices; William Corbin (William Corbin did not qualify and John Carr was appointed in his place March 16, 1858), Robert M. Littlefield and Jackson W. Poole, Assessors; Albert Pratt, Commissioner of Highways; Thomas Yale and George F. Hard, Overseers of the Poor; Eli M. Shay, Collector; Luman C. Pollard, William Corbin and James Poole, Railroad Commissioners (Before the division of the town, Bainbridge had issued bonds for $60,000 in aid of the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, and $30,000 of this was assigned to Afton as her share of the indebtedness); Whitcomb Broad, Harvey A. Wakeman, Wilson Landers (Wilson Landers did not qualify and Potter Thomas was appointed in his place March 16, 1858) and Reuben Dean, Constables; James Poole and J. Dwight Chaffee, Inspectors of Election.
Following is the succession of Supervisors and Clerks from the organization of the town:–
Supervisors Clerks
1858-9. Daniel A. Carpenter. Edgar Garret. 1860. Charles W. Griswold. Lewis Post. 1861. Jonathan Farnsworth. Alonzo L. Farnam. 1862. Joseph B. Chaffee. Geo. M. Champlin. 1863-4. James B. Cook. do. 1865. Jonathan Farnsworth. do. 1866-7. Edgar Garret. do. 1868. Jonathan Farnsworth. do. 1869. Erastus Fisher. do. 1870. Presson R. Peck. do. 1871. Horace C. Chamberlin. do. 1872. Robert M. Littlefield. John C. Chamberlin. 1873. John C. Chamberlin. Henry G. Carr. 1874-7. do. Martin D. Howard. 1878-9. Eli M. Shay. Marshall G. Hill.
The following list of the officers of the town of Afton, for the year 1880-’81, was kindly furnished by Charles W. Spencer:–
Supervisor–Eli M. Shay.
Clerk–Charles W. Spencer.
Justices–Oliver N. Swift, Reid Peck, Elijah R. Snell and L. E. Jackson.
Assessors–Warren Dutton, Lucius Hunt and John Hinman.
Commissioner of Highways–George Clapper.
Overseers of the Poor–Isaiah Snell and Harry Hull.
Collector–John Skelley.
Town Auditors–Cornelius Atherton, Samuel Weeks and Morris J. Madge.
Game Constable–Samuel Jamison.
Constables–Justus H. Carr, Norman Hall, John Hoyt, Eri W. Lingle.
Inspectors of Election–Hiram Cornwell, Orlando Coss, George M. Champlin.
Sealer of Weights and Measures–E. Fairchild.
Excise Commissioners–Edward V. St. John, J. B. Mayhew and Abijah Carrington.