G-New York Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Gaandowanang (Ga′-än-do-wǎ-nänñ is a great tree. Hewitt). A former Seneca village on Genesee r., near Cuylerville, N. Y.

Gadaho. (Gǎ-‛đä′a -ho`, ‘sand bank’. Hewitt). A former Seneca village that occupied the site of Castile, Genesee co., N. Y.

Gahato (‘floating branch’. Hewitt ). A village, probably of the Seneca, in Chemung co., N. Y., which was burned by Sullivan in 1779. (J. M.)

Ganadoga (it is a divided village. Hewitt). A former Oneida village in Oneida co., N. Y., near Oneida Castle.

Ganagweh (one took it out. Hewitt). A former Seneca village about the site of Palmyra, N. Y.

Ganasarage (at the place of man drakes. Hewitt). A former Tuscarora village on Canaseraga cr., at the present site of Sullivan, N. Y.

Ganawagus (it has a swampy smell. Hewitt). A former Seneca village on Genesee r., near Avon, N. Y.

Ganedontwan (Gǎ‘-ne‘-don-twän, one put hemlock in the fire. Hewitt). A former Seneca village on the site of Moscow, N. Y.

Ganogeh. (Gǎ-än-no’′-ge, ‘place of floating oil’. Hewitt). The principal Cayuga village formerly on the site of Canoga, N. Y.

Ganondasa (it is a new town. Hewitt). A former Seneca village on the site of Moscow, N. Y.

Ganosgagong (among the milk weeds. Hewitt). A small Seneca village formerly on the site of Dansville, N. Y.

Ganowarohare (skull is fastened to the top of it. Hewitt). One of the former principal Oneida towns, situate on Oneida cr., at the site of Vernon, N. Y. At this place the Jesuit mission of St Francois Xavier was established in 1667. In 1777 it was destroyed by the Indians who had espoused the British cause. (J. N. B. H.)

Gaousge (Gä-on’sage-on, place of basswood. Hewitt). Probably a former Seneca village, located by Morgan on Niagara r. N. Y.

Gaskosada (it is a waterfall. Hewitt). A former Seneca village on Cayuga cr., w. of Lancaster, N. Y.

Gayagaanhe (Gŭ-yǎ’-gǎ′-än-hẻ, its body is inclined. Hewitt). The former principal village of the Cayuga, situate near the E. shore of Cayuga lake, 3½ miles s. of Union Springs, N. Y. St Joseph’s mission was established there in 1668, and the settlement was destroyed by Gen. Sullivan in 1779. (J. M.)

Geneseo (Tyo’nesi′yo’), there it has line banks. Hewitt). An important Seneca settlement formerly situated about the site of Geneseo, N. Y. In 1750 it contained 40 or more large houses. It was destroyed by Sullivan in 1779.

Gewauga (Odji′wǎgĕn‘, it is bitter, salty. Hewitt). A Cayuga village on the site of the present Union Springs, town of Springport, on the E. side of Cayuga lake, N.Y. It was destroyed by Sullivan s troops, Sept. 22, 1779. (J. N. B. H.)

Goiogouen (Gwĕñio′gwĕn‘, ‘place where locusts were taken out of a liquid’. Hewitt). One of the chief towns of the Cayuga in 1670, and from which the tribe took its name, situated at this time on the E. side of Cayuga lake, on Great Gully brook, about 4 m. s. of the present Union Springs, and 4 leagues from the town of Tiohero (Kiohero), lying at the N. end of Cayuga lake, and 6 leagues from Onnontare, these three being the principal towns of the Cayuga when first known. The inhabitants of Goiogouen were composed in part of Cayuga and in part of adopted captives from the Huron, the Conestoga, and the Neutral Nation. This town or Bourg d’Oiogouen,’ in 1668, according to the Jesuit Relation for 1669, contained more than 2,000 souls and could muster more than 300 warriors. While the Cayuga were proud-spirited, the missionaries found them more tractable and less fierce than were the Onondaga and the Oneida. At this town Father de Carheil dedicated the mission of St Joseph on Nov. 9, 1668, and 7 days later witnessed the horrible spectacle of the burning and the eating of a captive Conestoga woman. Archeologic evidence indicates, what is usual in regard to the permanency of Indian village sites, that this town has been removed from site to site within a radius of 10 miles or more.

In 1779 Gen. Sullivan s army found three places named Cayuga; namely, (1) Cayuga Castle, containing about 15 very large houses of squared logs, superior to any thing seen before among these Indians; the troops destroyed here 110 acres of corn; (2) Upper Cayuga, containing 14 houses, situated about 1 m. s. of the Castle; (3) East Cayuga, Old Town, containing about 13 houses, situated about 1 m. N. E. from the Castle. In these towns the troops found apples, peaches, potatoes, turnips, onions, pumpkins, squashes, cucumbers, watermelons, and vegetables of various kinds in great abundance. These with other hamlets of the Cayuga were burned and the fruit and vegetables destroyed by the troops, Sept. 23-24, 1779. (J. N. B. H.)

Gwaugweh. (one took out a locust. Hewitt). Probably a former Seneca village near Niagara r., N. Y.

Gweghkongh. A village in 1657, probably belonging to the Unami Delawares and apparently situated in N. New Jersey, near Staten id., or in the adjacent part of New York.

New York Indian Villages

Indian Tribes North of MexicoIndian Bands, Gens, & Clans


This site includes some historical materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the WebMasters in any way endorse the stereotypes implied .

Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, Frederick Webb Hodge, 1906

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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