A- Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Mexico

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Aboreachic. A small Tarahumare pueblo not far from Norogachie, in Chihuahua, Mexico. The name is apparently a corruption of doreachie where there is mountain cedar, but should not be con founded with that of the village of Aoreachic. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Aivino. A division of the Nevome in a pueblo of the same name on the v. tributary of the Rio Yaqui, lat, 29º, s. central Sonora, Mexico. The inhabitants spoke a dialect differing somewhat from the Nevome proper, and their customs w 7 ere similar to those of the Sisibotari.

Akachwa (pine grove). A Tarahumare rancheria near Palanquo, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Akawiruchic (place of much fungus). A Tarahumare rancheria near Palanquo, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Alacranes (Span.: scorpions) . A part of the Apache formerly living in Sonora, Mexico, but according to Taylor (Cal. Farmer, June 13, 1862) roaming, with other bands from Texas, to the Rio Colorado and N. of Gila r. in Ariz, and N. Mex. They were apparently a part of the Chiricahua.

Alamos (Span.: cotton woods). A pueblo of the Eudeve division of the Opata, the seat of a Spanish mission established in 1629; situated on a small tributary of the Rio Sonora, in Sonora, Mexico. Pop. 165 in 1678, 45 in 1730 (Rivera quoted by Bancroft, Mex. No. States, I, 513, 1884). Missions of Lower California

Anamic. A former rancheria, probably Papago, visited by Father Kino in 1701; situated in N. w. Sonora, Mexico, between Busanic and Sonoita. See Bibiana.

Aoreachic (where there is mountain cedar). A small rancheria of the Tarahumare, not far from Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Also called Agorichic; distinct from Aboreachic. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Apozolco. A former pueblo of the Colotlan division of the Cora and the seat of a mission, situated on the Rio Colotlan, a tributary of the Rio Grande de Santiago, Jalisco, Mexico. Orozco y Berra, Geog., 280, 1864.

Arivechi. A pueblo of the Jova and the seat of a Spanish mission founded in 1627; situated in E. Sonora, Mexico, about lat. 29 10 . Pop. 466 in 1678, 118 in 1730. It is no longer an Indian settlement.

Ariziochic. A Tarahumare settlement on the E. bank of one of the upper tributaries of Rio Yaqui, lat. 28º 25′, long. 107, Chihuahua, Mexico. Orozco y Berra, Geog., 323, 1864.

Arizonac (prob. small springs or few springs). Evidently a former Papago rancheria situated between Guevavi and Saric, in Sonora, Mexico, just below the present s. boundary of Arizona, not far from the site of Nogales. In 1736-41 the finding in its vicinity of some balls of native silver of fabulous size caused a large influx of treasure seekers, and through the fame that the place thus temporarily acquired, its name, in the form Arizona, was later applied to the entire country thereabout, and, when New Mexico was divided, was adopted as the name of the new Territory. In 1764-67 Arizonac was a visita of the mission of Saric, on the upper waters of Rio Altar, Sonora. See Bancroft, Ariz. and N. Mex., 362, 371, 1889. (F. W. H.)

Arizpe (according to Bandelier a corrupted abbreviation of Huc-aritz-pa, the native name, while Hardy says it is from the Opata aripa, ‘the great congregation of ants ). A former Opata pueblo on Rio Sonora, about lat. 30º 25′, Sonora, Mexico. It became the seat of a Spanish mission in 1648, and was afterward the capital of the state, but its importance as a town decreased after the removal of the capital to Ures, in 1832, and subsequent Apache depredations. Arizpe is identical with the Arispa of Castaneda and the Ispa of Jaramillo, visited by Coronado in 1540. The population of the mission was 416 in 1678, 316 in 1730, and 359 in 1777 (Doc. Hist. Mex., 4th ser., I, 469, 1856,). It is no longer an Indian town. There are ruins N. w. of the village. (F. W. H.)

Atotonilco  A former Tepehuane pueblo in lat. 25º 30′, long. 107º, E. Sinaloa, Mexico. It was the seat of the mission of San Juan.

Atotonilco. A former Tepehuane pueblo in lat. 24º 35′, long. 104º 10′, s. E. Durango, Mexico. It was the seat of the mission of San Andres.

Azcapotzalco (Nahuatl name). Probably an ancient settlement of the Tepecano or of a related tribe, but occupied since the early part of the 18th century by Tlaxcaltecs originally introduced by the Spaniards for defense against the Chichimecs; situated about 10 m. E. of Bolaños, in Jalisco, Mexico. Hrdlicka in Am. Anthrop., v, 425, 1903.

Azqueltan (Nahuatl: ‘where there are small ants’, referring to the former numerous population). The most important Tepecano settlement, consisting of about 40 dwellings, situated on the Rio de Bolaños, about lat. 22º 12′ , long. 104º, Jalisco, Mexico. In 1902 a Mexican trader was permitted to settle among them for the first time.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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