Indian Tribes between Missouri and Red Rivers and the Mississippi and Rocky Mountains, 1822

By a reference to the Table, it will be seen, that within the limits above specified, there are more than 100,000 Indians. In different and very advantageous positions, in the midst of this population, are planted already three Education Families, one at Dwight, 1 among the Cherokees, on Arkansaw river, established by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, two by the United Foreign Missionary Society, among the Great and Little Osages, at Harmony and Union. More are in contemplation, one particularly at the Council Bluffs. These establishments are on the plan of those planted among the Cherokees and Choctaws. The one contemplated at Council Bluffs is planned on a larger scale, and is to consist, if carried into effect, of a little colony of Christians. Its intended size is well suited to the interior and important station, which it is to occupy, and the large connection it will hare by branch establishments, with surrounding tribes. For more particular information concerning these Education stations, and of the tribes with which they are connected, and over whom they may obtain ultimate influence, and the country they inhabit, see Appendix. 2 From the facts which will here be found, it will appear, that the great work of educating this large portion of Indians, and preparing them to exercise and enjoy with us the rights and blessings of citizens, has already commenced with very promising prospects. Perseverance can hardly fail to secure success.

Indian Tribes between Missouri and Red Rivers and the Mississippi and Rocky Mountains

<strong>Between Missouri and Red Rivers and the Mississippi and Rocky Mountains</strong> Population Location
Shawaneese1,383Cape Girardeau and Merrimac river, near St. Louis.
Delawares1,800On Current river, east of the bend of White River.
Peorias97On Current River.
Piankashaws207On St. Francis River.
Kanzas850 (a)On Kanzas River.
Great OsageOn Osage River.
Great Osage of the Arkansas200 (b)On Neozho or Grand River.
Little Osage1,000On Grand or Neozho river, of the Arkansaw.
Grand Pawnees6,000On the Wolf fork of Platte River.
Pawnee Republicans1,5004 miles above the Grand Pawnees.
Pawnee Loups2,7503 miles above the Pawnee Republicans
Ottoes, Missouries and Ioways1,800On Platte river, 40 miles from its mouth.
O'mahas3,000On Elkhorn River, 80 miles west-northwest of Council Bluffs.
Pancas1,250At the month of Quickoane River.
Arrapahays10,000Their territory extends from the headwaters of the Kanzas River north to the Rio del Norte
Kaninavisch2,000West of the Pawnees, all the headwaters of the Yellowstone River.
Kaninavisch5,000On the heads of Yellowstone River.
Staitans or Kite Indians500Between the heads of Platte river and Rooky Mountains.
Wettaphato or Kiawa Indians1,600Rove above the last mentioned.
Castahana1,500Supposed to be remnants of the Great Padouea Nation, now under that name, extinct, who occupied the Country between the upper parts of the Platte and Kanzas Rivers.
Chayennes or Chiens3,260On Chayenne River, above Great Bend.
Chayennes or Chiens200Head of the above river.
Kaskayas or Bad Hearts3,000In the neighborhood of the above tribes, bordering on the Rocky Mountains.
Ricaras or Arricaras3,500On the Missouri, halfway between Great Bend and Mandan.
Mandans1,259On the Missouri, near Mandan Fort.
Minetaries3,250Halfway between Mandan and Yellowstone River, on Little Missouri.
Roving bands20,000On the Missouri, near and on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, including bands of the Blackfoot, Assinniboins, Crows, etc., within the present boundaries of Missouri territory.
Wate-panatoes and Ryawas900On the Padoucas fork
Padoucas1,000On the Padoucas River
Pastanownas1,500Between the Padoucas fork and the Platte.
Ayutans or Camarsches8,000Southwest of the Missouri river, near the Rocky Mountains.
Blue Mud and Long Haired Indians3,000Between the heads of the Missouri and of the Columbia.
Cherokees6,000On the north side of Arkansaw river, 400 miles front its mouth.
Quampaws700On the south side of the Arkansaw, opposite the post and Little Rook.

(a) This is Major O’Fallon’s estimate.
(b) Mr. Sibley’s estimate is 1,600.


  1. Named after the late President Dwight.[]
  2. Appendix E[]


Morse, Rev. Jedidiah. A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, Printed by S. Converse, 1822.

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