North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing.
Salisbury National Cemetery
202 Government Road
Salisbury, NC 28144
(704) 636-2661
- Surnames A-Ba
- Surnames Be-Bo
- Surnames Br-By
- Surnames Ca-Cl
- Surnames Co-Da
- Surnames De-Fe
- Surnames Fi-Go
- Surnames Gr-Ha
- Surnames He-I
- Surnames J-La
- Surnames Le-Ma
- Surnames Mc-Mm
- Surnames Mo-O
- Surnames P-Q
- Surnames R
- Surnames Sa-Sn
- Surnames So-To
- Surnames Tr-We
- Surnames Wh-Z
Wilmington National Cemetery
2011 Market Street
Wilmington, NC 28403
- Surnames A-Bo
- Surnames Br-Co
- Surnames Cr-F
- Surnames G-He
- Surnames Hi-J
- Surnames K-Ma
- Surnames Mc-N
- Surnames O-Ri
- Surnames Ro-Sp
- Surnames Sr-V
- Surnames W-Z