A word composed of the first syllables of “American Indian,” suggested in 1899 by an American lexicographer as a substitute for the inappropriate terms used to designate the race of man inhabiting the New World before its occupancy by Europeans. The convenience of such derivatives as Amerindic, Amerindize, Amerindian, proto-Amerind, pre-Amerindic, pseudo-Amerind, etc., argues in favor of the new word. The introduction of “Amerind” was urged by the late Maj. J. W. Powell, and it has the support of several anthropologists. A plea by Dr W J McGee for its general adoption appeared in 1900 in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain. The use of “Amerind” at the International Congress of Americanists in New York, Oct., 1902, occasioned a discussion (Science, n. s., xvi, 892, 1902) in which it was supported by some and attacked by others. The name, nevertheless, has found its way into both scientific and popular literature. (A. F. C. )