History of Hanson Massachusetts

By R. B. K. Gurney, Esq.

Hanson was incorporated Feb. 22d, 1820, and was formerly the “West Parish,” of the town of Pembroke. Its size is comparatively small, containing an area of only 9730 acres, with a population of 1188, according to the last census. Its local early history, will, properly, be contained in the history of Pembroke. Like all other towns in Plymouth Co., it contains many relics’ of Indian settlements, such as remains of old orchards, cellars, &c., and rude implements of war, and articles for domestic use, &c. Nearly all its territory is em-braced in the purchase of Major Josiah Winslow, of the Indian sachem, Josiah Wampatuck, as by deed, dated July 9th, 1662, known as the “Major’s Purchase.” There is a reserve made in said deed, of 1000 acres about the ponds at Mattakeset, (lying in Pembroke and Hanson,) to his son and George Wampy, which is still supposed ( a part of it at least,) to belong to their heirs, if any remains. Among the first settlers of Hanson, was a family by the name of Bourne, that located in the south part of this town, as early as about 1725, or before, as the name of Josiah Bourne is found in the records of the Proprietors of the “Major’s Purchase,” in 1732, May 12th, and from circumstances therein mentioned, he must have resided here some years before. The exact spot where he lived, is well known, and traces of the location yet remain to mark the spot, viz: old apple trees, old bricks, &c. In the north part of the town, a family by the name of Thomas, located, and the name of Edward Thomas, as being the clerk of the “Proprietors,” is found in their book of records, as early as May 28th, 1759.

Rev. Gad Hitchcock, D. D., a man of talents, sociable, friendly, hospitable, and somewhat eccentric, was the first pastor, ordained in 1748, which office he held 55 years.

Rev. George Barstow was successor and colleague with Dr. Hitchcock, and continued the pastoral relation eighteen years, and died in 1821, aged 51 years. He was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Howland.

The Baptist Church was organized in 1812, with Rev. Joseph Torrey as first pastor.

The well-known tack manufactory of E. Y. Perry & Co., is located in the limits of Hanson, although the post office address is South Hanover. Luther Howland, also, has a similar manufactory.

The “High-top” or “Summer Sweeting” apple-trees, yield now, as they did in the earliest days of the Colony, their prolific crop of golden fruit.

The name of the town, was one, out of many, that were suggested, and selected by vote. It has no particular derivation. Property is very, equally distributed compared with many towns around. We have none of those persons, who from small beginnings, become noted, in a few years, as rich men, but each one make slowly but surely. The town is very evenly settled.

No whole company was raised in this town, during the Rebellion, but a part of Co. A, 3d Reg’t, went out to Fortress Monroe, April, 16, 1861, for 3 months, and again to Newbern, N. C, for 9 months, Sept. 23d, 1862. Of those, all safely returned, and most of them again enlisted for 3 years.

Hanson raised for the Union service, 188 men; 6 for one hundred days; 14for three months; 22for 9 months; 35 for one year, and 113 for three years, at an expense of $19,502, in addition to generous sup-plies through benevolent commissions.

Died in Revolutionary Service From Hanson

The following men, lost in service, with one exception, belonged in this town:

Thomas Drake, Co. D, 4th Cavalry, of starvation, at Andersonville, March 14th, 1865
Julius W. Monroe, Co. D, 38th Reg’t of starvation, at Saulisbury, Feb. 15th, 1865
George Thompson, 11th Reg’t, of starvation, at Andersonville, June 13th, 1864
Austin E. Luther, Co. F, 3d Cavalry, at Marine Hospital, New Orleans, of wounds, April 5th, 1864
Daniel Bourne, Co. D, 58th Reg’t, killed, near Spottsylvania, Va., May 7th, 1864
Alfred G. Howe, Co. H, 18th Reg’t, killed, near Spottsylvania, May 5th, 1864
Edward P. Mansfield, Co. C, 29th Reg’t, killed near Spottsylvania, May 12th, 1864
Henry L. Ewell, 10th Battery, of wounds, at Washington, Nov. 20th 1864
George S. Golbert, Co. B, 22d Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, at Fortress Munroe, August, 1862 Stephen Bates, Co. D, 38th Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, al Baton Rouge, May 3d, 1863
Andrew W. Fish, Co. C, 38th Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, at Baton Rouge, Aug. 3d, 1863
Joseph L. Fish, Co. D, 38th Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, at home, Oct. 31st, 1863
John Lyons, Co. B, 41st Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, at Port Hudson, Sept. 29th, 1863
Morton E. Hill, Co. C, 38th Reg’t, of Chronic Diarrhea, at Brashear City, April 13th, 1863
Horatio Foster, 1st E. I., of disease, at Catlett Station, Va., May 22d, 1862
Theodore L. Bonney, Co. E, 32d Reg’t, of Fatigue and Fever, at Potomac Creek, Va., May 11th, 1863
Augustus F. Elmes, Co. K, 7th Reg’t, of Fever, near Washington, Oct, 25th, 1861
John H. Perry, K, 7th Reg’t, of Disease
James Coolican, Co! B, 41at Reg’t, of Disease, La., Feb. 25th, 1863
George H. Bourne, Co. B, 40th Reg’t, of Diarrhea, near Polly Island, S. C, Nov 28th 1863
James A. Lyons, Co. D, 38th Reg’t, of wounds, at Brashear City, La.

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