Biography of James Clark McCullough

James Clark McCullough. One of the prominent agricultural families of Champaign County bears the name of McCullough, and from the time it was established here in 1854 until the present its members have been representative of the county’s best citizenship. They have been identified with the upbuilding of this section in every way, not only as industrious and successful farmers using methods that teach others to make agriculture profitable, but they have given hearty support to public movements and to educational and religious organizations. It may well be deemed an honor to belong to such a family, and one of its younger members may be found in James Clark McCullough, who is a general farmer in section 29, Urbana Township, Champaign County.

James Clark McCullough was born on the farm on which he lives, March 31, 1891, and is a son of John and Annie (Clark) McCullough. John McCullough was born in Champaign County, December 5, 1862. His parents were Alexander W. and Elizabeth (Siler) McCullough, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania and came to Champaign County, Illinois, in 1854. Alexander W. McCullough rented what was known as the Carrol farm for two years and then located in Urbana Township, in section 29, and here carried on general farming until the close of his life. He married Elizabeth Siler and the following children were born to them: James S., who is deceased; Adeline, who is the wife of W. N. Raymey, and they live in southwestern Missouri; Anna E., who is the widow of John Bond, of Tolono, Illinois; Frank, who lives at Dunnigan, California; Margaret, who is the wife of S. L. Burwash; Albert, who is a farmer in Urbana Township; Benjamin, who is deceased; John; and Sarah, who died in infancy.

John McCullough grew to manhood in Urbana Township and has been a farmer and stockraiser ever since his schooldays. He has acquired a large acreage here and is one of the county’s big tax payers. He devotes his 560 acres to grain growing and stock raising. On January 22, 1890, he was married to Miss Annie Clark, who was born in Ohio but has spent almost her entire life in Champaign County. Six children were born to this marriage: James Clark, who is a successful farmer in this township; Helen, Mary, Fred and Margaret, all of whom are at home; and Joseph, who died at the age of three years. Mr. McCullough and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Republican and is serving as supervisor of Urbana Township. For many years he has been identified with the Masonic fraternity. He is one of the township’s best known and most highly respected citizens.

James Clark McCullough was reared in the comfortable home that it was his good fortune to be born into and was given the best of public school advantages and after leaving the high school took a business course. In embarking in farming he followed his natural inclination and has devoted himself diligently to the cultivation and improvement of his 160 acres, a part of the old homestead. Mr. McCullough is an intelligent young man and has made himself acquainted with the underlying principles of his business, and it is to such men that the people not only in our own but in other lands ultimately will look for food for many years to come.

Mr. McCullough was married June 29, 1915, to Miss Edna Myers, who is a daughter of Grant and Rose (Brennan) Myers. The father of Mrs. McCullough came to Champaign County in the spring of 1899. He was born in Ohio and the mother of Mrs. McCullough was born at Gilman, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have had four children: Edna Louise, who is the wife of James C. McCullough; Frances, who lives with her parents; a son who died in infancy; and Howard.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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