Elmer A. Rush has been individually carrying the burdens of agriculture in Champaign County for many years. Business has prospered under his hand and he has enjoyed many of the good things of life, including a good home and the riches of esteem paid him by his fellow citizens. Mr. Rush was born in Philo Township of this county September 30, 1877, a son of William and Florence A. (Keeble) Rush. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Vermont. William Rush came to Illinois when a young man and after a brief residence in Marshall County removed to Champaign County and was engaged in farming in Crittenden Township until his death in August, 1910. The mother died in 1912. They were the parents of nine children: Elsie, who died in infancy; May, living at Philo; Bertha, who died in infancy; Viola F.,. wife of H. W. Fiscus, of Philo; Elmer A., Eva E., who lives with her brother Elmer; William A., Hubert and Sheridan, all deceased.
Elmer A. Rush received his education in the district schools of Champaign County. His earlier experiences were as a farmer and for a time he was in the drug business at Philo. In 1906 he began his career as a renter, having at first eighty acres for two years in Crittenden Township, following which he had 160 acres in Philo Township, and his subsequent farm enterprise has been conducted in Sidney Township, where he has the active management of 240 acres in section 7. He is engaged in general farming and stock raising. His home is on Rural Route No. 11 out of Urbana.
On February 18, 1903, Mr. Rush married Miss Blanche Minich, a native of Champaign County. Their only child, Wilma Eileen, was born in 1915 and died in infancy. While living in Philo Township Mr. Rush served as trustee of the local schools. He is a Republican, a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church.