The Stork Family in the Lutheran Church

This volume was the first contribution to the series of biographies of deceased ministers, which the Lutheran board of publication had resolved to issue. It is singular in one respect, that it embraces the sketches of three men of the same name, and bearing to each other the near relations of grandfather, son and grandson.

The writer of the present volume regrets that he was limited to so small a space for the full exhibition of the lives of these three most worthy men. He was compelled reluctantly to omit much that would have more fully illustrated their characters, but as a considerable portion of the writings of two of them has been published in books, reviews, magazines and church papers, he was not permitted by the committee of the Board to introduce any of them, even extracts, into their biographies. The writer availed himself of the help generously furnished by relatives and friends; but much of it he was obliged to lay aside for fear of enlarging the book beyond the prescribed limits.

Title page to the Stork Family in the Lutheran Church. Click on image to read manuscript.
Title page to the Stork Family in the Lutheran Church. Click on image to read manuscript.

[box]Morris, John G. The Stork family in the Lutheran Church: or biographical sketches of Rev. Charles Augustus Gottlieb Stork, Rev. Theophilus Stork, D. D., and Rev. Charles A. Stork, D. D. Philadelphia: Lutheran Publication Society. 1886.[/box]




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