Biography of Bert E. Spalding

Bert E. Spalding was born in Champaign and has spent his life practically within the limits of that city. When little more than a boy he became self supporting, acquired business experience under others, and now for a number of years has been one of the leading druggists.

He was born in Champaign, January 7, 1868, son of John W. and Maria (Halford) Spalding. His father was a native of Hamilton, Ohio, and his mother was born in Nottingham, England. She was a sister of E. W. Halford, who a number of years ago was private secretary to President Benjamin Harrison. John W. Spalding came to Champaign in 1866. For many years he followed his trade as a wagon maker and subsequently was in the shoe business. During Harrison’s administration he served as postmaster of Champaign. He died in 1911, an honored and respected citizen, while his wife passed away in 1903. They were the parents of eight children: Walter, deceased; Arthur, of Champaign; Lois, deceased; W. P., of Champaign; Bert E.; John, deceased; Margaret, widow of Joseph Laughlin, of Boston, Massachusetts; Jessie, wife of Charles Frison, of Bloomington, Illinois.

Bert E. Spalding obtained his early education in the public schools of his native city. After one year in high school he determined to give up his studies and fit himself for business. In 1885 he became a clerk in H. Swannell’s drug store and learned the business as a profession and in all other details. He remained with that store until 1898, when he became associated with John T. Quirk in the same line of business. In 1909 the store was established at 602 Green Street, with Mr. Spalding and Mr. Quirk as partners. In February, 1915, the partnership was dissolved and since that time Mr. Spalding has conducted the Green Street store alone.

He has always been active and popular in local affairs and organizations. In 1894-95 he served as alderman and is now a candidate for a position on the city commission. He is a Republican, a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Woodmen of the World, the University Club, the Rotary Club, and is a member of the Country Club. He and his family worship in the Episcopal Church.

Mr. Spalding married Josephine Arie, a native of Champaign. They have two children, Russell and Halford.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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