Biography of Elizabeth Clark Jenkinson

Elizabeth Clark Jenkinson, daughter of the late venerable John Clark of Gifford, whose career has been fully sketched in preceding pages, resides on one of the fine farming estates around Gifford and some special mention should be made of her family.

She is the wife of Mr. Alfred Jenkinson, who was born at Lacon, Illinois, a son of Benjamin and Mary A. (Willy) Jenkinson. Benjamin Jenkinson was born in Yorkshire, England, and his wife in Leicestershire, England. They immigrated to America at an early day and were married at Lacon, Illinois, in 1857. Of their ten children Alfred was the oldest. The children all attended district schools in Marshall County, Illinois, and experienced the hardships incident to pioneer life. The Jenkinson family lived in a log house, and their efforts served to reclaim a portion of Illinois soil to cultivation.

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jenkinson began their wedded life on his father’s estate half a mile north of Gifford. Here Mr. Jenkinson has found ample opportunities to prove his ability as a farmer and his business judgment has enabled him to acquire a farm of 200 acres.

Their family consists of four children, Clemens J., Mary Isabel, Jessie Virginia and John Benjamin. The education and training of these children were a primary consideration of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkinson from the beginning. They sent them to the local district schools and also to the Gifford High School. John took a three years’ high school course in Rantoul. The other three children are all graduates of the Gifford High School, while Jessie taught in her home school and also the Martin and teachers of Champaign County. Isabel taught two terms at the Weber School. The daughters Isabel and Jessie proved popular and successful Reynolds schools.

Clemens J. Jenkinson married William Lohmiller, a farmer living on a place adjoining Mr. Jenkinson’s. They have four children: Elizabeth J., Jessie Pauline, Mary Clemens and John Alfred.

Mary Isabel Jenkinson married Harry Hamilton, bookkeeper with a lumber firm at Hoopeston, Illinois. They have five children: Laura Elizabeth, Harry Leland, Kenneth Franklin, Mary Isabel and Margaret Helen.

John Benjamin Jenkinson, a railroad man living in Chicago, married Margaret Miller, and they have a child, Jean Clark, named after her great-grandmother.

Jessie Virginia Jenkinson is the wife of George Corbley, a farmer living near Paxton, Illinois. They have one child, Virginia.

Besides his success as a farmer Mr. Jenkinson has in many ways proved his public spirit as a factor in the community. He served as school director over twenty years, also as road commissioner and township treasurer. He is loyally identified with the Republican party, and he and his family attend the Baptist Church in Gifford. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mrs. Jenkinson takes an active part in local social affairs and is a member of the Social Science Club.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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