Biographical Sketch of David W. Kuhn

Among those who have comparatively recently taken up their residence in Wallowa County and have brought with them pristine vigor and energy to assist materially in promoting the welfare of the county and in developing its resources, is the estimable gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article, and who is granted a representation in this volume with pleasure, since he has demonstrated himself a proper person to be thus listed with the prominent men of the county, both because he has wrought with faithfulness and assiduity, and because he has maintained an uprightness and untarnished reputation in all of his ways.

Mr. Kuhn was born near Summerville on April 7, 1867, being the son of Elias and Esther E. (Cassiday) Kuhn, early pioneers to that section, arriving there and settling in 1862. Mr. Kuhn’s sister, Annie M., is said to be the first white child born in Union County. Our subject lived with his parents until 1895. During his minority he gained a good education from the public schools and assisted his father in the care of the farm. In the year last mentioned David W. came to Wallowa County and after due search, selected the farm where he now lives four miles north from Paradise, and purchased the same. His first purchase consisted of one-quarter section and it is now enlarged to three hundred and twenty acres of good land. His farm is about all fenced, is well improved, having a good comfortable house and commodious barn with other necessary out buildings. In addition to doing a general business, he also devotes some attention to raising stock, handling cattle principally.

On December 4, 1898, occurred the happy event of the marriage of David W. Kuhn and Miss Lida M., a native of Missouri and a daughter of Daniel and Nora (Pratt) Ralls, who live near Paradise. To this union there have been born two children, Gladys M. and Harold. Previous to her marriage, Mrs. Kuhn was numbered with the best educators of Wallowa County, having spent five years in that profession, and gaining signal honors in her work. She had the distinction of holding a state certificate. Mr. Kuhn is one of the substantial men of the community and is a prosperous businessman, displaying prudence and sagacity and energy in all his enterprises.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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