Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Whitt

Henry A. Whitt was born in the city of Lexington, Fayette county, Kentucky, September 3, 1841. His parents came to Daviess county in 1847, purchased land in Monroe township and commenced farning. When he was thirteen years old his mother died, and he then worked on a farm for about eight years, when he engaged with Conner & Co. for a time as cattle feeder, and took cattle to Leavenworth, Kansas, and from thence to the Indian reserve for herding. From that place he drove an ox-team to Fort Union, New Mexico. At the end of seven months he went to Denver, Colorado, returning to Daviess county in 1861. He then enlisted in the army and during the war was in many important battles. After the close of the war he was at different times engaged in stage-driving between Hamilton and Lexington, and in the livery business at Trenton, Missouri. He was also in business for a short time at Chillicothe. After his return to Daviess county, he purchased land and turned his attention chiefly to farming and now resides on a well improved farm in Monroe township.

In 1863, Mr. Whitt was married to Miss Sarah E. Place, a resident of Daviess county. They have had nine children: Ida M., Eva L., John H., Joseph R, Sarah A., George A., Henry, Linna and Arvel B.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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