Biographical Sketch of John A. Tuggle, Judge

John A. Tuggle is a native of Goochland county, Virginia, born July 5, 1807. His father was an extensive farmer and stock-raiser of that State, where he was born and where he lived until he migrated to Knox county, Kentucky. His mother was also a native of the same State. John A. was reared and educated in Kentucky, remaining with his parents until he attained his twenty-fourth year, making farming his principal occupation. He was afterward largely engaged in stock-raising in Pulaski county, Kentucky, for a period of six years. In 1839, he came to Daviess county, where he has since resided, accumulating great wealth by industry and good management. He is a prominent citizen of the county, has been twice elected judge of Daviess county and has long been known as a man of ability and influence. Coming to the county at so early a date he has become identified with its interests and holds a prominent place in its history.

Mr. Tuggle was married, in September, 1847, to Miss Mary Henry. They have six children; named, respectively, George, Sarah, James G., Virginia, Thomas B. and Puss B.

John A. Tuggle may be justly numbered among the most prominent and highly esteemed citizens of Daviess county, and at present holds the responsible position of presiding justice of the County Court, of which he has been an honored member for a number of years.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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