Biographical Sketch of Solomon Lierley

Solomon Lierley. The subject of this sketch is a native of Illinois, and was born July 3, 1830. At seven years old, he moved with his parents to Adams county, that State, and there he grew up and was educated. He started in life as a farmer, and continued there till the spring of 1856, when he came to Daviess county, where he continued to reside ever since, engaged in farming. He owns a farm of 320 acres of well improved land, in Lincoln township, well watered and fenced and having a fine residence and good barn, situated a quarter of a mile north of Bancroft.

Mr. Lierley was married in Illinois, October 10, 1853, to Miss Mary A. Pierce. This lady died May 3, 1872, and he married, in this county, June 15, 1873, Miss Louisa Harper. By his first union Mr. Lierley became the father of eight children, seven of whom: Sarah E., David, Wilson, William. F., Nathaniel, George W. and John L., are still living, and an infant child is dead. His second marriage has been blessed with one child, named Mary E.

In 1858 he joined the Baptist Church and has lived a worthy and consistent member thereof for nearly a quarter of a century. Mr. Lierley’s character as a man and a neighbor, has always been such as to win him many friends.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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