Biographical Sketch of J. C. Winton

J. C. Winton, a well-known citizen of Manchester, was born in Coffee County, Tennessee on July 16, 1856. He is the son of John and Martha (Layne) Winton, both natives of Tennessee, the latter born about 1830. Engaged in mercantile trade at Hillstore before marriage, the elder Winton then became a successful farmer. He was a democrat.

Our subject, after receiving a good education, was engaged in farming, when in 1880 he entered the firm of Wooton & Hickerson, Manchester, which two years later became Wooton & Winton, our subject owning a third interest. They do a business of about $45,000 annually. March 7, 1883, he married Blanche, born in 1863, in Coffee County, daughter of Mayor P. C. Isabell of Manchester. Their children, Clark, Wooton and Edwin, are four, three, and one year old respectively. Politically he is a democrat, and his wife is a member of the Christian Church.



Goodspeed Publishing Co. History of Tennessee from the earliest time to the present. Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1887.

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