Mounted Volunteer Companies engaged in the Indian War

Mounted Volunteer Companies engaged in the Indian War, Mason’s administration. See: Washington Indian Wars, 1855-1856 for context of this list.

Volunteer Companies

Companies A, Capt. William Strong, and B, Capt. Gilmore Hays, were mustered into the regular service and furnished their own horses

Company B, Capt. Isaac Hays

Company F, Capt. B. S. Henness

Company K, Capt. John R. Jackson

Cowlitz Rangers, Capt. H. W. Peers

Lewis River Rangers, Capt. William Bratton, in the service of the territory, furnished their own horses

Stevens Guards. Capt. Higgins, were furnished horses by Gov.

Spokane Invincibles, Capt. Yantis, horses partly furnished by Gov. and partly by volunteers

Puget Sound Rangers, Capt. Charles Eaton, furnished their own horses

Nez Perce Volunteers, Capt. Spotted Eagle, furnished their own horses and equipments.

Inf. companies:

Company C, George B. Goody

Company D, Capt. W. H. Wallace (part of them mounted)

Company G, Capt. W. A. S. McCorckle

Company M, Capt. C. C. Hewitt

Company I, Capt. I. N. Ebey

Company J, Capt. A. A. Plummer

Nisqually Ferry guards, Serg. Packwood

Adj.-Gen. Rept, in Wash. Mess. Gov., 1857. See also Roder’s Bellingham Bay, MS.; Ebey’s Journal, MS.; Morris’ Wash. Ter., MS.; Ballou’s Adr.,515.; Hanford’s Ind. War, MS.; Yesler’s Wash. Ter., MS.; Parker’s Puget Sound, MS., passim.

Indian Wars,

Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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