Tale of Coyote And Rabbit Kill A Buffalo

Rabbit and his grandmother lived by themselves, and Rabbit often went out to hunt to get something for them to eat. He began to go pretty far from home, and his grandmother scolded him and told him not to go so far, but to remember that he was little and might be killed. Rabbit did not pay any attention, for he knew that he was a good runner. One time he went far away, but could not find any game, and so he turned around to go home. As he went he played along the way and sang to himself. Coyote was out the same day looking for something to eat. He was just about to give up and go home when he heard some one singing. He looked all about and saw Rabbit. He grinned to himself and quietly slipped up behind Rabbit. When he knew that he was so close that Rabbit could not get away, he yelled “Bo!” at Rabbit and made a grab for him. Rabbit was badly frightened, but he determined not to give up. He said: “Coyote don’t kill me yet and I will tell you how to kill some good game. I cannot do it alone, and I have just been wishing that you would come and help me with my scheme.” “What is it?” asked Coyote, very much interested. “I know where there is a big fat buffalo that we can kill if you will go with me.” Coyote went, first telling Rabbit that if he lied to him he would kill him at once. Rabbit led the way to a place where an old buffalo stood. They went up to the buffalo, and Rabbit told Coyote to climb into its anus. Coyote obeyed and Rabbit followed. When inside, Rabbit told Coyote to begin to bite and eat the buffalo’s sides. They both began and soon the buffalo fell dead. Then an old man ran up to the buffalo and began to butcher it. Rabbit told Coyote to hide in an intestine, and he hid in the bladder. When the man had cut up the buffalo he placed the intestines to one side, but threw the bladder away in the bushes. Rabbit crawled out of the bladder and escaped, but Coyote was discovered and killed.

Caddo, Legends,

Dorsey, George A. Traditions of the Caddo. Washington: Carnegie Institution. 1905.

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