Historical Leaders of Plymouth County Massachusetts

Incorporated June 2, 1685 – Shire Town – Plymouth.

County Officers

Judge of Probate and Insolvency, Wm. H. Wood, Middleboro.
Register of Probate and Insolvency, Daniel E. Damon, Plymouth.
Clerk of Courts, William H. Whitman, Plymouth.
Register of Deeds, William S. Danforth, Plymouth
County Treasurer, William E. Sever, Plymouth.
Overseers of House of Correction
William H. Whitman, Plymouth.
D. J. Bobbins, Plymouth.
Daniel E. Damon, Plymouth.
Sheriff, James Bates, Plymouth.

Deputy Sheriff

Abington, Josiah. Cushman
Bridgewater, P. D. Kingman
Duxbury, Wm. J. Alden
Hingham, G. F. Hersey
Marion, Daniel Hall;
Marshfield, John Baker
Middleboro, Milton Alden
North Bridgewater, Otis Hayward
North Carver, Benj. Ranson
Plymouth, John Perkins, John Atwood
Rochester, E. C. Randall
South Scituate, Willard Torrey
Scituate, J. O. Cole
Wareham, Alexander Swift

Jailor and Master of House of Correction

Plymouth, James Bates.

Sessions of Probate Court

At Abington, 4th Monday of May, August, and November.
At Bridgewater, 4th Monday of September.
At East Bridgewater, 4th Monday of February and December.
At Hingham, 4th Monday in March.
At Middleboro, 4th Monday of January, April, and 2ud Monday in July.
At Plymouth, 2d Monday of January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December.
At South Scituate, 4th Monday of June.
At Wareham, 4th Monday of October.

Sessions of Insolvency Court

At Plymouth, 1st Monday in every month

County Commissioner

Wm. P. Corthell, Abington, term expires Dec, 1867
Charles H. Paine, Halifax, 1868
Harrison Staples, Lakeville, 1869.

Special Commissioner

Alden S. Bradford, Kingston, term expires 1868;
Jedediah Dwelley, Hanover, 1868.

Times of Meeting

At Plymouth, 3d Tuesday in March, 1st Tuesday in August and January.

Commissioners of Wrecks

Duxbury, Elisha Holmes
Hull, Nehemiah Ripley, jr.
Marshfield, John Baker, Otis Baker, George H. Hall
Plymouth, Josiah D. Baxter, Barnabas H. Holmes
Scituate, Perry L. Parker, John Tilden
North Scituate, John Damon

Public Administrator

Duxbury, Samuel Stetson.

Master in Chancery

Plymouth, William H. Whitman.

Commissioners to Qualify Civil Officers

Abington, Isaac Hersey, Jesse E. Keith
Bridgewater, Joshua E. Crane, Abraham Washburn, 2d
Duxbury, Samuel Stetson, Gershom B. Weston
East Bridgewater, Benj. W. Harris, Welcome Young
Hingham, Amos Bates, Solomon Lincoln
Middleboro, Everett Robinson, Eliab Ward
North Bridgewater, Franklin Ames, George W. Bryant, Jonas R. Perkins
Plymouth, Jacob H. Loud, John J. Russell, Wm. E. Sever, Wm. H. Whitman
Rochester, Joseph Haskell Theophilus King, James Ruggles
Scituate, John Beal, Elijah Jenkins
South Scituate, Anson Robbins, Samuel A. Turner
Wareham, Seth Miller
West Bridgewater, Austin Packard

Justices of the Peace

Including Justices of the Peace and Quorum, designated by a* ; and Justices throughout the Commonwealth designated by a †

Abington, Nath’l Faunce, Isaac Hersey, Charles W. Howland, Freeman P. Howland, Nath’l T. Hunt, Jesse E. Keith, Micah Nash, Hol-land W. Noyes, James Noyes, Bela Thaxter, Samuel B. Thaxter, John D. Wormell.

East Abington, Nath’l Beal, Charles Bearse, †Jacob B. Harris, Zenas Jenkins, †Levi Reed, Franklin Smith, Horace C. Totman.

North Abington, Jona. Arnold, Jr., James Ford, George W. Pratt, Edward P. Reed.

South Abington, Alexander Aldan, William P. Corthell, Albert Davis, Benj. Hobart, George W. Reed, Wm. L. Reed, Spencer Vining, Jared Whitman.

Bridgewater; Horace Ames, Samn’l Breck, Frederick Crafts, Joshua E. Crane, †Levi L. Goodspeed, Artemas Hale, Philip E. Hill, Caleb Hobart, *Lewis Holmes, Mitchell Hooper, Lafayette Keith, Hosea Kingman, *Williams Latham, Franklin Leach, Elisha G. Leach, Lewis G. Lowe, *Asa Millett, Eli Washburn.

Carver, Paine M. C. Jones, †Jesse Murdock, William Savery, Thomas Southworth, Benj. Ransom.

Duxbury, Benj. Alden, Nath’l Ford, John Holmes, John S. Loring, Samuel Loring, Samuel Stetson, Joshua W. Swift, †Gershom B. Weston.

West Duxbury, Elbridge Chandler, George B. Standish.

South Marshfield. Benjamin Boylston, Henry B. Maglathlin.

East Bridgewater, Joseph Chamberlain, Benjamin W. Harris, Aaron Hobart, jr., Henry Hobart, B. W. Keith, Thomas Keith, Ezra Kingman, †James H. Mitchell, Wm. H. Osborne, *Isaac Pratt, Calvin Reed, John Reed.

Halifax, Edwin Inglee, Charles H. Paine, Ira L. Sturtevant, Dexter C. Thompson, Ephraim B. Thompson.

Hanover, Robert S. Curtis, Jedediah Dwelley, Perez Simmons.

Hanson, Freeman P. Howland Jr., Edward Y. Perry, George F. Stetson, Joseph Smith, Thomas Smith, Isaiah Bearce, Eben B. K. Gurney.

Hingham, Quincy Bicknell, *Edward Cazneau, Henry Hersey, James S. Lewis, *Solomon Lincoln, Caleb B. Marsh, Charles N. Marsh, Charles W. Seymour, Elijah Shute, Atherton Tilden, *Joseph B. Thaxter, Jr., Israel Whitcomb.

Hull, Robert Gould, Jr.

Kingston, Frederic C. Adams, Joseph S. Beal, Alden S. Bradford, Philander Cobb, Samuel E. Cushman, James Foster, Edward Gray, Noah Prince, Edwin Reed, Joseph Stetson.

Lakeville, Reuben Hafford, Abizier T. Harvey, Eleazer Richmond, Warren H. Southworth, Harrison Staples, Henry L. Williams, Asa T. Winslow.

Marion, Daniel Hall, Barnabas Hiller, Joseph S. Luce, Moses H. Swift, Bartholomew W. Taber.

Marshfield, John Baker, John Ford, *Luther Hatch, Henry P. Oakman, †Hiram A. Oakman, Seth Weston.

Mattapoisett, Winslow Barstow, Amittai B. Hammond, Noah Hammond, Thomas Nelson, Noah C. Sturtevant.

Middleboro, Ichabod F. Atwood, John Bennett, Stillman Benson Sylvanus Hinckley, John Q. Morton, Noah C. Perkins, Andrew J. Pickens, Ebenezer Pickens, Stillman B. Pratt, Zebulon Pratt, Everett Robinson, Augustus H. Soule, Andrew L. Tinkham, Eliab Ward, Benjamin P. Wood, Cornelius B. Wood, George W. Wood, William H. Wood, Andrew L. Alden, Joshua M. Eddy, Sidney Tucker, Wm. B. White.

North Bridgewater, Jonathan Ames, George W. Bryant, George Clark, David L. Cowell, Daniel Crocker, Nelson J. Foss, Francis M., French, Sumner A. Hayward, Nathan Jones, Arza B. Keith, Edwin H. Kingman, Charles Lincoln, *Jonas E. Perkins, William Perry, Galen E. Pratt, Loring W. Puffer, Isaac E. Snell, Edward Southworth, Jr., Chandler Sprague, Rufus L. Thacher, †Jonathan White.

Campello, Josiah W. Kingman.

Pembroke, *Martin Bryant, Wm. H. H. Bryant, Joseph Cobb, Francis Collamore, George F. Hatch, John Oldham, 2d, James H. Whitman.

East Pembroke, Andrew E. Toole.

North Pembroke, Horace Collamore.

Plymouth, Aaron Bartlett, Gustavus D. Bates, James Bates, William Bishop, Lemuel Bradford, Charles O. Churchill, Nathaniel Clark, James Cox, Daniel E. Damon, Allen Danforth, †William S. Danforth, Charles G. Davis, William T. Davis, Samuel H. Doten, Charles H. Drew, George G. Dyer, Timothy Gorden, John T. Hall, †Robert B. Hall, John Harlow, 2d, Benjamin Hathaway, Barnabas H. Holmes, Charles H. Howland, Thomas Loring, Jacob H. Loud, Leander Lovell, Albert Mason, John Perkins, Thomas Pierce, Daniel J. Robbins, Edmund Robbins, †John J. Russell, Thomas B. Sears, William E. Sever, †Eleazer C. Sherman, Isaac N. Stoddard, *William Thomas, Ezekiel C. Turner, *William H. Whitman, Oliver T. Wood.

Chiltonville, George Bramhall.

Plympton, Isaiah Churchill, James C. Ellis, Josiah S. Hammond, Zaccheus Parker, Martin Perkins, William Perkins, Wm. H. Soule.

Rochester, John Blackmer, Joseph W. Church, Thomas Ellis, Chas. Hooper, Theophilus King, James H. Look, Israel F. Nickerson, Geo. Peirce, James Ruggles, William Sears.

Scituate, George M. Allen, George H. Bates, *John Beal, Elijah Jenkins, Ezekiel Jones, Caleb W. Prouty.

South Scituate, Joseph O. Cole, George C. Lee, Dexter Merritt, Geo. W. Merritt, Shadrack B. Merritt.

South Scituate, Henry J. Curtis, Ebenezer T. Fogg, David B. Ford, Elisha Jacobs, Samuel Tolman, Jr., George H. Torrey, Samuel A. Turner, William Turner, Lemuel C. Waterman.

Wareham, William Bates, Stephen Ellis, Joseph P. Hayden, Darius Miller, Seth Miller, Adolphus Savery, Thomas Savery, Nath’l Sherman, James G. Sprout, Joshua B. Tobey.

East Wareham, John M. Kinney.

West Bridgewater, Dwelley Fobes, James Howard, Austin Packard.

Cockesett, Orin F. Gray.

Trial Justices

Abington, Isaac Hersey
Bridgewater, Lewis Holmes, Elisha G. Leach
East Bridgewater, William H. Osborne
Hingham, James S. Lewis
Middleboro, Ebenezer Pickens
North Bridgewater, Rufus L. Thatcher
Plymouth, Albert Mason
Scituate, Caleb W. Prouty
Wareham, William Bates
West Bridgewater, Austin Packard

Notaries Public

Abington, Jesse E. Keith
Bridgewater, Samuel Breck
East B4dge-water, Moses Bates
Hingham, Henry C. Harding
Marshfield, Luther Hatch
Mattapoisett, Thomas Nelson
North Bridgewater, Jonas R. Perkins
Plymouth, Moses Bates, William S. Danforth, Jacob H. Loud, John J. Russell
Scituate, John Beal
Wareham, Wm. Bates.


Bridgewater, Philip D. Kingman
Carver (North), Benjamin Ransom
Duxbury, Jonathan Y. Gross
Hanson, Melzar Sprague
Marshfield, Charles L. Tilden, Eliot E. Tilden
Middleboro, Ebenezer W. Drake
North Bridgewater, Benjamin A. Packard
Scituate, John Beal

Deputy State Constables

North Abington, Mr. Pratt
East Bridgewater, George H. Morse
Plymouth, Joshua D. Baxter

Third Regiment of Infantry

Colonel, Mason W. Burt, of Taunton
Lieut-Colonel, Thomas J. Borden, of Fall River
Major, G. Hubert Bates, of Scituate
Adjutant, John H. Church, of Taunton
Quartermaster, Phil. W. Williams, of Taunton


A. Halifax, Capt., Charles P. Lyon.
1st. Lieut., Morton V. Bonney.
2d Lieut., Lysander M. Thompson.

C. Scituate, Capt., John E. O. Prouty.
1st Lieut., Henry O. Cole. 22

Senatorial Districts

Plymouth County, Two Senators, Average Ratio, 5,925

First District, Carver, Duxbury, Kingston, Lakeville, Marion,, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester and Wareham, Legal voters 5,973

Second District, Abington, Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Halifax, Hanson, North Bridgewater, Pembroke and West Bridgewater. Legal voters, 5,878.

Norfolk and Plymouth District, Cohasset, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Scituate, South Scituate, Braintree and Weymouth. Legal voters, 5,904.

Representative Districts

Plymouth County.

1. Cohasset, Scituate, 1,064

2. Hingham, Hull, 931

3. South Scituate, Hanover, Hanson, l,166

4. Marshfield, Pembroke, Halifax, 1,029

5. Duxbury, Kingston, 985

6. Plymouth, Carver, Plympton, 2,034

7. Wareham, Marion, 855

8. Mattapoisett, Rochester, Lakeville, 987

9. Middleboro, 1,112

10. Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, 1,019

11. East Bridgewater, North Bridgewater, 2,120

12. Abington, 1,833

Total, 14,643

Congressional Districts

As Established By Chapter 226 of the, Acts of 1862

District 1

The several towns in the counties of Barnstable, Dukes County, and Nantucket, together with the cities of New Bedford and Fall River, and the towns of Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown and Westport, in the County of Bristol; and the towns of Carver, Duxbury, Halifax, Kingston, Lakeville, Marion, Mattapoisett, Middleboro, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester and Wareham, in the County of Plymouth.

District 2.

The towns of Attleborough, Berkley, Dighton, Easton, Mansfield, Norton, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Somerset, Swanzey, and the city of Taunton, in the County of Bristol ; and the towns of Abington, Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Hingham, Hanover, Hanson, Hull, Marshfield, Scituate, South Scituate, North Bridgewater and West Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth; and the towns of Braintree, Canton, Cohasset, Dorchester, Milton, Quincy, Randolph, Sharon, Stoughton and Weymouth, in the County of Norfolk.

State Almshouse at Bridgewater

Joseph B. Thaxter, Hingham
James Ford, Fall River
James H. Mitchell, East Bridgewater
Inspectors. Levi L. Goodspeed, Superintendent

Custom House Officers – District of Plymouth.

Port of Plymouth
Thomas Loring, Collector
Charles O. Churchill, Deputy Collector and Inspector

Port of Duxbury
Harvey Soule, Deputy Collector and Insp.

Port of Kingston
Stephen Holmes, 2d, Deputy Collector and Inspector.

Port of Scituate.
Joseph S. Drew, Deputy Collector and Inspector

Bridgewater State Normal School. (Established, 1840.)

Albert G. Boyden, A. M. Principal
Elisha H. Barlow, A. B.
Geo. H. Martin. Male applicants for admission must be at least 17 years of age. Female applicants, 16.
Tuition, free.

Bridgewater Academy, Bridgewater

Incorporated 1799
Horace M. Willard, Principal
Mrs. S. O. W. Gammell
Miss Elizabeth Crafts, Assistants

Derby, Hingham.

Incorporated 1797
Henry F. Munroe, Principal
Elizabeth A. Andrews, Assistant

Hanover Academy, Hanover

Incorporated 1861
P. L. Woodbury, Principal

Ingleside School for Young Ladies, Middleboro

Established in 1866
Mrs. S. G. Dodd, Principal

Middleboro Boarding School for Boys

Rev, P. L. Gushing, Principal

Partridge, Duxbury

Incorporated 1829
Capital, 20,000
Rev. J. Moore, Principal.

Peirce Academy, Middleboro

Incorporated 1808
J. W. P. Jenks, A. M., Principal
C. A. Cole, Assistant
A. G. Pickins, Music.

Pratt Free School, North Middleboro

Incorporated 1865
M. C. Mitchell, Principal
Miss Martha Keith, Assistant

Rochester, Rochester

Incorporated 1838
Cornelia Rounseville, Principal
Catharine L. Barker, Assistant
Harriet S. Clapp, Painting
F. B. Pitcher, Music

Sea Side Boarding School for Misses, Mattapoisett

Established in 1865
Mrs. H. B. Pratt, Principal

Abington National Bank
Organized July 1, 1865; Capital, $150,000
President, Baxter Cobb
Directors, Baxter Cobb, Jenkins Lane, Sumner Shaw, Asaph Dunbar, Martin S. Stetson, Bela Thaxter, and Joshua Whitmarsh
Cashier, J. N. Farrar. Discount Mondays.

Hingham National Bank
Organized April 24, 1865. Capital, $200,000
President, David Lincoln
Directors, David Lincoln, Crocker Wilder, Alfred Loring, P. L. Whiton, T. L. Whiton, Wm. Fearing, 2d, E. W. Burr
Cashier, John O. Lovett. Discount, Mondays.

The Old Colony National Bank
Organized Feb. 27, 1865. Capital, $210,000
President, Eleazer C. Sherman
Directors, E. O. Sherman, J. H. Loud, J. Farris, L. Lovell, W. H, Nelson, W. E. Drew, W. S. Danforth
Cashier, George G. Dyer. Discount, Mondays.

The Plymouth National Bank
Organized Dec, 22, 1864. Capital, $200,000
President, William T. Davis
Directors. Isaac Brewster, Franklin B. Cobb, William T. Davis, Timothy Gordon, Benjamin Hathaway, Isaac L. Hedge, John J. Russell, Isaac N. Stoddard, of Plymouth, and William Savery, of Carver
Cashier, I. N. Stoddard. Discount, Fridays.

The National Bank of Wareham
Organized June 26, 1865, Capital, $100,000.
President, J. B. Tobey
Directors, Jesse Murdoch, Curtis Tobey, M. S. F. Tobey, William Savery, Stephen Ellis, Isaac Pratt, Jr.
Cashier, T. R. Miles. Discount, Mondays.

Manufacturing Companies

Bridgewater Iron Manufacturing Co., Bridgewater, commenced 1825
Nahum Stetson, Treasurer, Secretary, and Resident Agent
Lazell, Perkins & Co., Boston, Selling Agents; Capital, $96,000
Articles Manufactured: Castings, Rolling Mill, Machinery.

East Bridgewater Iron Co., East Bridgewater
K, E. Sheldon, Resident Agent
Rogers & Sheldon, Boston, Selling Agents
Articles Manufactured: Nails, Tacks and Shovel Plates.

E. Carver Co., East Bridgewater
Aaron Hobart, Jr., Treasurer
Aaron Hobart, Boston, Selling Agent
Articles Manufactured: Cot-ton Gins.

Hingham Cordage Co., Hingham, commenced 1853
David Fearing, Treasurer
John Eider, Resident Agent
Whiton Brothers & Co., Boston, Selling Agents ; Capital, $50,000
Manufacture Cordage.

Hingham Wooden Ware Co., Hingham, commenced 1866
Fearing Burr, Treasurer

Old Colony Batting Co., Plymouth
John T. Stoddard, Treasurer
S. Pember, Sup’t and Resident Agent
Manufacture Batting.

Old Colony Duck Co., Plymouth
Isaac Thacher, Treasurer
Fearing, Thacher & Co., Boston, Selling Agents
Capital, $50,000
Manufacture Duck.

Parker Mills, Wareham, commenced 1845
Nahum Stetson, Treasurer
C. C. Sprague, Resident Agent
Nahum Stetson, Boston, Selling Agent
Capital, $200,000
Manufacture Cut Nails.

Plymouth Cordage Co., Plymouth, commenced 1824
Bourne Spooner, Treasurer and Resident Agent
Capital, $200,000
Manufacture Cordage.

Plymouth Iron Foundry, Plymouth
W. E. Drew, Treasurer
Capital $25,000
Manufacture Castings and Stoves.

Plymouth Mills, Plymouth, commenced 1846
Jeremiah Farris, Treasurer and Resident Agent
N. E. James & Co., New York, Selling Agents; Capital, $46,000
Manufacture Rivets and Water Wheels.

Plymouth Tack and Rivet Works, Plymouth
S. Loring, Proprietor
Manufacture Tacks and Rivets.

Plymouth Woollen and Cotton Factory, Plymouth
Isaac Thacher, Treasurer
E. B. Hayden, Resident Agent
Fearing, Thacher & Co., Boston, Selling Agents
Manufacture Duck.

Plymouth Woollen Mills, Plymouth, commenced 1863
Dwight Faulkner, Treasurer and Resident Agent
Frothingham & Co., Boston, Selling Agents; Capital, $80,000
Manufacture Flannels

Robinson Iron Co., Plymouth
F. H. Russell, Treasurer
Capital, $100,000
Manufacture Nails and Tack Plate.

Russell Mills, Plymouth, commenced 1855
Edward S. Tobey, Treasurer
D. H. Gilbert, Resident Agent
N. Boynton & Co., Boston, Selling Agents; Capital $125,000
Manufacture Cotton Duck.

Star Mills, Middleboro, commenced 1863;
George Brayton, Treasurer
T. L. Dunlap, Resident Agent; Capital, 180,000
Manufacture Fancy Cassimeres

Tremont Nail Co., West Wareham, commenced 1858
J. B. Tobey, Treasurer and Resident Agent
Horace P. Tobey, Boston, Selling Agent; Capital, $100,000
Manufacture Cut Nails

Town Offices

Town Clerk, N. T. Hunt
Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, Marcus Reed, Henry A. Noyes, Brainerd Cushing
Treasurer and Collector, Bela E. Faxon

Town Clerk, Lewis Holmes.
Selectmen, Van E. Swift, Spencer Leonard, I. Sanford Wilbur
Collector and Treasurer, Van E. Swift

Town Clerk, Wm. Hammond
Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, Thomas Vaughan, Andrew Griffith, Frederick Cobb
Treasurer and Collector, Thomas Cobb

Selectmen and Assessors, Samuel Atwell, George Bradford, George B. Standish
Town Clerk, Josiah Peterson
Treasurer, Frederic P. Sherman

East Bridgewater
Town Clerk, Jacob A. Rogers
Selectmen, Jacob Bates, George Bryant, Eliab Latham
Treasurer, I. N. Nutter
Collector, E. S. Whitmarsh

Town Clerk, Edwin Inglee
Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, Edwin Inglee, Abram Bourne, Nathaniel Morton
Treasurer, Nath’l Morton

Town Clerk and Treasurer, Albert Stetson
Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, J. Dwelley, J. G. Stetson, Robert Ellis

Town Clerk and Treasurer, Joseph Bryant
Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, E. B. K. Gurney, Joseph Smith, C. L. Howland

Town Clerk, Charles N. Marsh
Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, Caleb Gill, Seth Sprague, Demerick Marble
Treasurer, Wm. Fearing, 2d
Collector, Andrew J. Gardner

Town Clerk, Andrew D. Cook
Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of Poor, John Reed, Francis McKann, Orlando D. Cook
Treasurer and Constable, Edward G. Knight

Town Clerk, Nathan Brooks
Selectmen and Assessors, Alden S. Bradford, Edward Gray, John F. Holmes
Treasurer and Collector, Nathan Brooks
Overseers of Poor, Edward Gray, Alden S. Bradford, John F. Holmes, Lysander Bartlett

Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, C. T. Westgate
Selectmen and Assessors, W. H. Southworth, Leander Winslow, Josiah B. Bump
Overseers of Poor, Job Peirce, J. P. Peirce, C. E. Jenney

Town Clerk, W. P. Delano
Selectmen and Assessors, Jos. S. Luce, Geo. H. Kelley, Samuel H. Elder
Treasurer and Collector, Silas B. Allen

Town Clerk and Treasurer, Daniel Stevens
Selectmen, Warren Kent, Robert H. Moorehead, William C. Oakman
Overseers of Poor, Chas. T. Hatch, Solomon Little, Nath’l Church
Collector, Charles T. Hatch

Town Clerk, Thomas Nelson. Selectmen
Overseers and Assessors, Franklin Cross, Wilson Barstow, Josiah Holmes, jr.
Treasurer and Collector, Henry Taylor

Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, Cornelius B. Wood
Selectmen, Jos. T. Wood, J. M. Eddy, Thos. Smith
Overseers of Poor, C. B. Wood, Jos. S. Barden, S. Hinckley

North Bridgewater
Town Clerk, Welcome H. Wales
Selectmen, B.. L. Thatcher, N. J. Foss, Isaac Kingman
Treasurer, Oakes S. Soule

Town Clerk, Francis Collamore.
Selectmen, Assessors and Pence Viewers, John Oldham, 2d, Wm. Whiting, Julius Cushman
Treasurer, Seth Whitman
Collector, Hector Monroe
Overseers of Poor, J. Oldham, 2d, Wm. Whiting, Julius Cushman, Willard Pool, Briggs Ford, Luther Magoun, Horace Hall, Job H. Beal, John W. Bryant, John Holmes, Ezekiel Bemis.

Town Clerk, Leander Lovell
Selectmen, Albert Mason, E. C. Turner, Lysander Dunham, T. B. Sears, Hosea Bartlett
Treasurer, James Cox
Collector, Lemuel Bradford
Overseers of Poor, John H. Harlow, Wm. H. Whitman, Lemuel Bradford, L. T. Robbins, J. C. Hovey.

Town Clerk and Treasurer, Wm. Perkins.
Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, Zaccheus Parker, Wm. Perkins, Ira Holmes.
Collector, Lemuel Cobb, jr.

Town Clerk, Theophilus King
Selectmen, John Blackmer, Thomas Ellis, George H. Peirce
Treasurer and Collector, John S. Rider

Town Clerk, Jas. L. Merritt
Selectmen and Assessors, Geo. C. Lee, T. Tilden, P. Damon
Treasurer, Roland Turner

South Scituate
Town Clerk, E. T; Fogg
Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, Samuel Tolman, Jr., Ziba Litchfield, Edward Stowell
Treasurer and Collector, E. T. Fogg

Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, Alvin Gibbs.
Selectmen, A. S. Hathaway, George Sanford, P. N. Bodfish.
Assessors and Overseers of Poor, George Sanford, Wm. A. Caswell, John M. Kinney.

West Bridgewater
Town Clerk, Austin Packard.
Selectmen, Caleb Copeland, .jr., Shepard L. Pratt, James Howard.
Treasurer and Collector, George M. Pratt.

Plymouth County MA,

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