1851 Woodstock Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Oxford is situated in the Townships of Blandford and East Oxford, C. W. The town is in the centre of a fine agricultural country, and the Great Western Railroad will pass through it – distant from Toronto, 98 miles from London, 32 miles usual stage fare, 8s. 9d. Usual stage fare to Brantford, 7s. 6d. to Hamilton, 13s. 9d.

Public Officers

BARWICK, H. C., postmaster and county treasurer.
CARROLL, JAMES, sheriff of the county.
Charles, Gordon, revenue inspector.
FOUQUET, IL, deputy clerk of the Crown, clerk of the county court and commissioner in bankruptcy.
Hincks, Hon. Francis, M. P. P. for Oxford.
INGERSOLL, JAMES, county registrar and crown lands agent.
LAPENOTIERE, W., judge of surrogate court and clerk of the peace.
McQueen, D. S., judge of county court.
Scott, T., town treasurer.
STRACHAN, GEORGE, master of the district grammar school.
VANSITTART, J. G., registrar of surrogate court.
WHITEHEAD., G. W., clerk of division court.

Agencies Of Barks

BANK OF MONTREAL, H. C. Barwick, agent.
GORE BANK, James Ingersoll, agent.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.

BARWICK, HUGH C., postmaster, agent of Bank of Montreal, and county treasurer.
BLEVINS, EDWARD, barrister and attorney at law.
BROWN, A. P., & Co., iron founders and manufacturers of steam engines, mill gearing, stoves, copper and tin ware, threshing machines, ploughs, &c.
BEDDOME, J., bookseller, stationer, bookbinder and account book manufacturer.
CARROLL, JAMES, sheriff of the county.
CARRYER, C. C., saddler, harness and trunkmaker, and importer of British and American saddlery.
COOTE, CHARLES, livery stable keeper horses and carriages furnished on short notice, at reasonable terms.
EDGAR, GEORGE, carpenter, builder and contractor.
FOUQUET, RICHARD, clerk of county court, deputy clerk of the crown and bankrupt court, registrar of chattel mortgages and commissioner in bankruptcy.
IEGERSOLL, JAMES, agent for the Gore Bank and county registrar.
MATSON, E., Woodstock hotel and general stage house.
PARK & SCATCHERD, barristers at law, (E. Jones Park, Woodstock, Thos. Scatcherd, London.)
PHALAN, THOMAS, auctioneer and commission merchant.
RICHARDSON, HUGH, barrister and attorney at law.
SCARF, JAMES, coach, carriage and sleighmaker.
SHENSToN, THOMAS S., clerk to county council.
SUTHERLAND, ANDREW, & CO., general merchants and importers, and steam mills.
TURQUAND, JOHN, physician and surgeon-medical dispensary for the poor, hours from 9 to 10, a. m.
VANSITTART, J. G., registrar of surrogate court..
WHITEHEAD, G. W., clerk of the district, division, and insolvent courts, agent for marriage licenses, notary and general land agent.
YOUNG, MATHEW, grocer and provision merchant.
Non Members
Ashton, Charles, shoemaker.
Autram, William, shoemaker.
Bain, John, cabinetmaker.
Ball, Francis R., barrister at law.
Ball & Carroll, attorneys at law.
Ball, Rev. M., Presbyterian.
Barr, David, watchmaker.
Bartindale, W. L., wagonmaker.
Bartley, O., land surveyor.
Beattie, Joseph, general store.
Bell, James, grocer.
Belton, Peter, blacksmith.
Bettridge, Rev. W., Church of England.
Bickell, Robert, innkeeper.
Bickerstaff, Frederick, painter.
Bickerton, Ralph, joiner.
Bowditch, George, tinsmith.
Brooks, John, shoemaker.
Burton, -, cooper.
Carroll, J. G., barrister at law.
Charlesworth, Samuel, general store.
Clark, Thomas, town assessor.
Clarke, Robert, general store.
Clements, W. R., baker and confectioner.
Collins, W., cabinetmaker.
Cornnier, Joseph, shoemaker.
Cotton, Henry, innkeeper.
Cudmore, Richard, general merchant.
Cummings, R. H., tailor.
Dawson, Richard, innkeeper.
Douglass, John, painter.
Douglass, John, saddler.
Downes, Thomas, grocer.
Finkle, Henry, & Co., merchants and millers.
Fraser, Thomas, blacksmith.
Galloway, W., innkeeper.
Goodwin, A. W., tailor.
Goodwin, C., school teacher.,
Gordon, J., blacksmith.
Graham, John, teamster.
Grant, Alexander, tailor.
Green, Alexander, shoemaker.
Grobb, Alexander, cabinetmaker.
Gurnett, G., saddler.
Hamilton, W., watchmaker.
Hatch, John, farmer.
Hay, Mrs., dressmaker.
Harrison, John, bricklayer.
Henry, Thomas, general store.
Hill, N., innkeeper.
Hughes, James, carpenter and builder.
Idall, William, tailor.
Idall, John, grocer.
Inglegrove, Henry, cabinetmaker.
Izzard, James, bailiff.
Johnston, James, cabinetmaker.
Johnston, James, shoemaker.
Jones, Walter, blacksmith..
Kintria, James, general store.
Lakeman, Edward, dry goods store.
Landon, Rey. W. H., Baptist.
Laycock, James, general store.
Lewis, G., carpenter.
Lovring, William, butcher.
Lownsbury, James, cooper and miller.
M’Call, John, wagonmaker.
McLeod, W. C., & Co., general merchants.
McPherson, Donald, baker.
MacKay, Alexander, tailor.
Maddock, J. F., attorney at law.
Mann, Moses, shoemaker.
Martin, J., grocer and commission merchant.
Melville, George, shoemaker.
Miller, D. G., barrister at law.
Morris, Richard, tailor.
Murray, William, blacksmith.
Norman, John, cabinetmaker.
Prout, A., lime burner.
Rawlings, Richard, cabinetmaker.
Robertson, Robert, cabinetmaker.
Robertson, John, shoemaker.
Robinson, B. J. hair dresser.
Robinson, C. W., livery stables.
Ross, Robert, tailor.
Scott, W. M., M. D.
Scott, Thomas, druggist.
Sharp, L., auctioneer.
Simpson, James, turner.
Shields, M., dyer and scourer.
Small, James, shoemaker.
Smith, Thomas, saddler.
Smith, Andrew, dry goods.
Smyth, E. B., barrister at law.
Spur, George, innkeeper.
Spencer, W., butcher.
Strachan, George, teacher.
Sutherland, Mrs., dressmaker.
Sudworth, Abraham, shoemaker.
Sudworth, Joseph, shoemaker.
Taylor, Joseph, saloonkeeper.
Taylor, Peter, shoemaker.
Tisdale, John E., general merchant.
Turee, William, general store.
Turner, Charles, grocer.
Turner, Hugh A., turner.
Turner, II. L., grocer.
Vansittart & Cottle, lumber and grist mills, 4 miles east of the town.
Watt, Thomas H., M. D. and apothecary.
Walton, Joshua, shoemaker.
Weeks, William, blacksmith.
Wheatley, William, plasterer.
Whiting, Rev. M., Wesleyan.
Wilson, John M., general merchant.
Wilson, William, shoemaker.
Wilson, Hughes & Blevins, barristers at law.
Wilson, Joseph, grocer.
Young, John, brickmaker.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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