1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Daguerreotype to Dyers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Daguerreotype Artists
ATKINsoN & BUXTON, Notre Dame st. opposite the City hall daguerreotypes of every kind taken in a very superior style the public are invited to call and examine the specimens now on view.
DOANE, T. C., Place d’Armes, over Lyman’s drug store daguerreotypes taken bysky light on the most improved principles, and likenesses warranted.
Desnoyers, M., corner of Notre Dame and St. Palmer, Francis, 8 Notre Dame st. Vincent sts.

Dancing Schools
Adams, A. A., 179 Notre Dame st.
MacDonald, R., St. Gabriel st.

BERNARD, DR. A., 65 Craig st. See card:
BOWKER, H. M., surgeon dentist, 7 St. Gabriel st. corner of Little St. James st.
DICKINSON, C. M., Great St. James st. See card.
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM H., doctor of dental surgery, 26 Great St. James st., successor to and late partner with Dr. Charles H. Payne.
WEBSTER, J. H., doctor of dental surgery, 104 Notre Dame st.
Burroughs, E. P., D. D.. S., 24 McGill st.

Drygoods, Wholesale Only
ADAMS, ROBERT, importer of British and foreign dry goods and haberdashery, 227 St. Paul st.
ARTHUR, A. & J., importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods and carpets, corner Notre Dame and St. Francois Xavier sts.
BRUNEAU, JEAN, importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 140 Notre Dame st. and 107 St. Joseph st.
CAMPBELL, ROBERT, & Co., importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods and carpets, 25 St. Francois Xavier st.
CLARK, JAMES P., & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods, 192 St. Paul st.
CUMMING & GALBRAITH, merchants, importers of, and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods, 164 St. Paul st.
DESMARTEAU, MARCHAND & CO., importers and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods, also groceries of every description, 98 St. Paul st.
FORSTER, S., & Co., importers of staple and fancy British manufactured dry goods, small wares and haberdashery, 187 St. Paul st.
FRASER, JOHN, importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, Nun’s, buildings, St. Joseph st.
GALARNEAU & Roy, importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 145 St. Paul st.
GREENSHIELDS, SAMUEL, SON & Co., importers of staple and fancy British and foreign dry goods and small wares, 151 St. Paul st.
HALL, T. D., general importer and agent-for American manufactured dry goods of every description, 221 St. Paul st.
HILL, CHARLES G., importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods and small wares, 189 St. Paul st.
HOUGHTON & MAY, importers of foreign and British staple and fancy dry goods, German
plate, window and fancy glass, Berlin wools, embroideries, &c., 182 St. Paul st. Jodoin , P., & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods.
also groceries of every description, 106 St. Paul st.
JOHNSTON, JAMES, importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 180 St. Paul st.
LAURIE, A., & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 162 St. Paul st.
MACFARLANE, ANDREW, importer of staple and fancy British and foreign dry goods and small wares, 165 St. Paul st.
MACKAY, JOSEPH, &. BROTHER, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods and small wares, 202 St. Paul st.
MACKENZIE, J. G., & Co., importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, St. Joseph st., near St. Paul st.
MILLAR, GEORGE M., importer of and wholesale dealer in American woollen and cotton goods of every description, 198 corner St. Nicholas and St. Paul sts.
Mum, W. & R., merchants, importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods, 223 St. Paul st.
OGILVY & CAMPBELL, importers of staple and’ fancy British and foreign dry goods and small wares, 160 St. Paul st.
RHODES, JOSEPH, importer of British dry goods of every description, (T. W. Nield, agent,) 2 Nun’s buildings, St. Joseph st.
Ross, JosEPH M. (late Whitehead & Ross), importer of and wholesale dealer in British dry goods, St. Eloi near St. Paul st.
Roy, J. & R., 172 St. Paul st., importers and wholesale dealers in staple and fancy dry goods of every description, and also at Hamilton, C.W.
SEYMOUR & WHITNEY, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, and
agents for the Chambly and Sherbrooke woollen factories, 161 St. Paul st.
SMITH, W. & J., & Co., importers of every description of dry goods, corner St. Joseph
and Commissioners sts.
STEPHEN, WILLIAM, importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign dry goods,. 200 St. Paul st.
STEWART, D., & SoN, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 224k St. Paul st.
TYRE, COLQUHOUN & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 160A St. Paul st.
WALKER, ALEXANDER, importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods,
226A St. Paul st.
WHITEFORD, WILLIAM, & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 166 St. Paul st.
WHITNEY, N. S., importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 195 St. Paul st.

Non Members
Benjamin & Brothers, 210 St. Paul st.
Macfarlane, Walter, 212 St. Paul st.
Brown & Swan, Custom house square.
Moodie, W., St. Joseph st.
Douglas, J. & T., 199 St. Paul st.
Service, John, 224 St. Paul st.

Dry Goods Merchants
ARTHUR, JAMES, & Co., 174 Notre Dame st. wholesale and retail dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods.
BEAUDRY, JOSEPH, 124 Notre Dame st. wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goads.
BEAUDRY, J. B., 27 Notre Dame st. wholesale and retail dealer in French and British staple and fancy dry goods.
BOUDREAU, S. S., 134 Notre Dame st. dealer in French and British staple and fancy dry goods, wholesale and retail.
BURROUGHS, C. S., 228 St. Paul st. staple and fancy dry goods of all kinds, at low prices.
CAMPBELL, CHRISTOPHER, 133 Notre Dame st.wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods of every description.
HOLLAND & MATHEWSON, 26 McGill st. importers of staple and fancy dry goods, paper hangings, fancy articles, combs, perfumery, &c.
HOWARD & CO., 142 Notre Dame st. importers of staple and fancy dry goods of every description.
LEWIS, J. & D., 133 Notre Dame st. importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods.
LAURIE, A., & Co., 200 Notre Dame st. importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods.
MCCALLUM, CHARLES F., 138 Notre. Dame st. importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods.
MCCANN, JOHN, 206A Notre Dame st. dry goods, clothing, fancy articles, &c., for sale very cheap.
MERRILL, H. & H., 128 Notre Dame st. importers of French and British staple and fancy dry goods.
MURHPY, P., 35 McGill st. ready made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, dry goods, &c., for sale very low for cash.
MORGAN, HENRY, & Co., 204 Notre Dame st. staple and fancy dry goods ware house. See card, page 201.
MORISON, CAMERON & EMPEY, 202 Notre Dame st. general dry goods warehouse based upon cash principles and one uniform price to every customer. See card, page 200.
MUSSEN, THOMAS, 117 and 119 Notre Dame st. silk mercer, haberdasher, dry goods and carpet warehouse.
NICHoLs, J. & M., 136 Notre Dame st. (successors’ to Galarneau & Roy,) whole sale and retail dealers in staple and fancy dry goods.
PERRIN, FRANCIS, Jacques Cartier square, dealer in dry goods and groceries, &c.
PLAMONDON, LOUIS, 122 St. Paul st. ready made clothing and dry goods of all kinds for sale on very moderate terms.
SMITH, D. & W., 141 Notre Dame st. importers of staple and fancy dry goods of all kinds.
THAYER’S & CO., corner of Notre Dame and St. Joseph sts. dealers in all kinds of staple and fancy dry goods.

Non Members
Beaudry, J. L., & Co., 80 Notre Dame st.
Carroll, James, 80 St. Mary st.
Beique, J. F., 45 St. Lawrence st.
Davie, James G., St. Mary st.
Benjamin & Brothers, 132 Notre Dame st.
Desrosiers, Louis, 86 St. Paul st.
Benoit, Frs., Jacques Cartier square.
Desrochers, E., 29 St. Lawrence st.
Berthiaume, Joseph, Jacques Cartier square.
Desrochers & Parent, St. Lawrence st
Blyth, Mrs., 187 Notre Dame st.
Downs, Terence, 75 St. Paul st.
Brault, Mrs., 90 Notre Dame st.
Doyle, Mrs., 182 Notre Dame st.
Brazeau, F. X., 102 St. Paul st.
Draycott, Charles, 48 St. Mary st.
Brais, Francis, 41 St. Paul st.
Dubois, G. D., 82 Notre Dame st.
Brassard, M., 15 St. Lawrence st.
Duffy, Mrs., 25 St. Paul st.
Cadieux, Pierre, 37 St. Lawrence st.
Favreau, O., 94 St. Paul st.
Cinq-Mars, Noel, 170 St. Paul st.
Favreau, Antoine, 33 St. Lawrence st.
Cinq-Mars, Louis, 175i St. Paul st.
Finnigan, James, 73 St. Paul st.
Clark, W. R., 36 McGill st.
Germain, J. B., 100 St. Paul st.
Colette, Michel, 76 St. Paul st.
Gibson, John, 168 Notre Dame st.
Cole, Thomas, 72 St. Joseph st.
Gilbride, Mrs., 51 St. Lawrence st.
Globensky, A. L., 101 Notre Dame st.
Grenier, Jerome, 84 St. Paul st.
Grenier, Jacques, 92 St. Paul st.
Gravel, L. C., St. Joseph st.
Guilmette, J. O., 142 St. Paul st.
Harkin, Henry, 118 Notre Dame st.
Hamilton. Andrew, 16 McGill st.
Harmer, H., 58 St. Lawrence st.
Rafferty, Patrick, 79 St. Paul st.
Hanley, Edward, 73 St. Paul st.
Hudon, E. & V., 100 St. Paul st.
Hudon, Lesueur & Quevillon, 106 St. Paul st.
Jago, William, 21 St. Mary st.
Jordan, James, 154 St. Paul st.
Kelleney, Louis, 106 Notre Dame st.
Keenan, Mrs., Jacques Cartier square.
Laflamme, Mrs., College st.
Lafontaine, Leandre, 143 St. Paul st.
Lamarche, G. D.. 49 St. Lawrence st.
Laviolette, H., 82 St. Paul st.
Lazure & Brothers, 108 St. Paul st.
Leclaire, F. & 3., 112 St. Paul st.
Leighton, Mrs., Wellington st.
Lesperance, A. & T., 82 St. Paul st.
Limoges & Brother, 49 St. Lawrence st.
Martin, E. P., 88 St. Paul st.
McAndrew, Robert, 99 St. Paul st.
McCrae, Mrs., 101 St. Lawrence st.
McCormick, Arthur, Jacques Cartier square.
McCormick, Mrs., 79 St. Paul St.
McElwee, Mrs., Lagauchetiere st.
McIlhone Mrs., 48 St. Mary st.
McIntyre, Daniel, Wellington st.
McManamy, William, 206 Notre Dame t.
McNeice, James, 21 St. Paul st.
Mahany, John, 32 Mary st.
Milligan, S., 6 McGill st.
Morley, M., 36 St. Mary st.
Moses, Mrs., St. Lawrence st.
Moore, James, 12 Notre Dame st.
Muldoon, P., 170 Notre Dame st.
Murphy, Miss, 188 Notre Dame st.
Nault, David, 51 St. Paul st.
Papineau, Mrs., 35 St. Joseph st.
Papineau, Antoine, 46 St. Joseph st.
Parent, D., St. Lawrence st.
Parkin, James, 1141 Notre Dame st.
Patterson, A., 54 St. Lawrence st.
Perrin, Ferdinand, 106 St. Paul st.
Piche, Leon, 131 St. Lawrence st.
Prevost, Amable, 108 St. Paul st.
Price, Martin, Jacques Cartier square.
Prud’homme Francis, 84 Notre Dame st.
Renaud, F. & Co., 76 and 88 Notre Dames st.
Roy, Adolphe, 71St. Paul.
Roy & Dufort. 64 St. Paul st.
Roy, Joseph, 70 St. Paul st.
Senecal, Denis, 126 Notre Dame st.
Senecal, Francis, 65 St. Paul st.
Senecal, Francis, Montcalm st.
Smith, Alexander, 117 St. Paul st.
St. Jean, R., 65 St. Paul st.
Stafford, William, Wellington st.
Stevenson, A., 18 McGill st.
Tierney, Mrs., 67 St. Paul st.
Turgeon & Monet, 96 St. Paul st.
Waldron, H., 23 St. Paul.
Watt, R., 36 St. Urbain st.
Wells, H. & R., 164 Notre Dame st.

Dyers And Scourers
BENTON, JAMES, Little William st. opposite the Recollect church every kind of silk,
woollen, and cotton goods, clothing, &c., dyed, scoured and cleaned to order.
Boese, Joseph, 25 College st.
M’Closkey, John, 33 St. Lewis st.
Stocks, B., Recollect st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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