Biography of Hon. S.C. Wood

Hon. Samuel Casey Wood, a member of the Executive Council of Ontario, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Provincial Treasurer, is a native of the village of Bath, Ontario, where he was born on the 27th of December 1830. In his veins there flows English, Irish and Scottish blood, the two former through his loyal father, and the latter on the side of his mother. His father, one of the few surviving veterans of the war of 1812, is Thomas Smith Wood, a native of New York, having been born near Saratoga in that State, in the year 1790. When quite a young man he came to Canada, where his home has since been. For his service to the Crown, in the war mentioned, he is drawing a pension. The mother of our subject is Frances (Peckins) Wood, of a Highland Scotch family, and still living at the age of eighty-six, being only four years younger than her husband.

The early years of our subject were passed at different places, owing to successive removals of the family from one place to another in Ontario, and his education was received at the common schools. From being a scholar he became a teacher, and followed that occupation for several years, in the counties of Hastings and Ontario. Subsequently he settled in Mariposa township, Victoria County, where he engaged in mercantile business for some years. On the separation of the counties of Peterborough and Victoria, he removed to Lindsay, where his home has since been. He soon became known as one of the leading citizens, public spirited and interested in all matters affecting the welfare of the people, especially educational affairs. He is chairman of the board of high and public schools of Lindsay, and, in 1874, was elected a member of the Council of Public Instruction to represent the school inspectors, holding this position until July of the following year, when he resigned. In 1860, Mr. Wood became official assignee for Victoria, and later, county clerk and treasurer, performing the duties of those offices until his appointment as member of the Executive Council, in 1875. At the general election, 1871, he was returned to the Ontario Parliament for South Victoria, re-elected at the next general election, again on his appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture, and Provincial Secretary and Registrar, July 24, 1875, and again at the last general election. In 1877, when Hon. Adam Crooks took charge of the Educational Department, Mr. Wood was given the portfolio of treasurer, Hon. Mr. Hardy relieving him of the duties of secretary and registrar. In the Government, Mr. Wood has conducted the affairs of his different departments with decided ability and praiseworthy zeal, and has taken an active part in the various legislative measures carried through since he entered the council, being very successful with the various bills which come under his charge.

In politics he has always been a Liberal, giving a hearty support to the Reform party, though some of his views on national questions are broader and more liberal than the platform of that party.
In religious views he is a Protestant, and attends, with his family, the Episcopal church, of which his wife is a member; is a member of St. Andrew’s Society, and of the Masonic Order..

The wife of the Hon. Commissioner and Treasurer, is Charlotte M., daughter of John Parkinson, of Mariposa township, county of Victoria. Their marriage took place June 17, 1856, and they have a family of nine children living.



Ontario Canada,

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