Biographical Sketch of Isaac Givens

Isaac Givens is the son of Merritt Givens, one of the early settlers of Daviess County, born in 1817, and a resident of the county up to the time of his tragic death by accidental shooting, while attempting to arrest a prisoner, in 1862. Isaac Givens was born in Daviess County, Missouri, November 7, 1847, where he remained, working on a farm and attending school until he was eighteen years old. In 1862 he was enrolled in the home guards and while not in active service, was ready for duty during the war. In 1872 Mr. Givens purchased a farm in Sheridan township, where he is now living, giving his attention principally to agricultural pursuits. In 1876 he visited Georgetown, Colorado, and was engaged in mining during the year.

He was married, February 2, 1865, to Miss Elizabeth J. Johnson, daughter of James and Sarah Carter Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Givens have had four children, only one of whom is living, Charles N.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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