Biography of George W. Jobe, M. D.

GEORGE W. JOBE, M. D. Man when well boasts that he has no need of the doctor, and is pleased to indulge in gibes and sneers concerning the skill of the members of the profession, and those who rail loudest are the first to send for the physician at the sound of danger. At least this is true in many cases, and the long-suffering physician, anxious to benefit mankind, responds to all calls no matter what the weather may be, and often endangers his own health in caring for that of others. Dr. George W. Jobe is an active medical practitioner, has been successful in his efforts to relieve the sufferings of man-kind, and as a natural result his services are largely in demand. He was born in Yellville, Marion County, Arkansas, September 30, 1872, a son of Dr. George W. and Minnie A. (Wilson) Jobe, the former of whom was born in Georgia in 1828, a son of David Jobe, also of that State, and of Scotch descent.

The father of the subject of this sketch took up the study of medicine when a young man, and graduated from the Medical Department of Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee, after which he came to Marion County, Arkansas, locating at Rally Hill, where he practiced until about the close of the war, when he moved to Yellville and there spent some years, moving to a farm on King’s Prairie in 1880, and there made his home until his death in April, 1892. He was at one time president of the County Medical Association, was a well read and able practitioner, and was first a Whig and afterward a Republican in politics, and during the war a Union man. He served in the Forty-sixth Missouri Volunteer Infantry as second lieutenant of Company F, took part in many minor engagements, and at one time was taken prisoner by the Quantrell band, who placed a rope around his neck, threw the other end over a tree, and would undoubtedly have been hung, had it not been for the timely intervention of a neighbor. He was married in Texas to the daughter of Thomas Wilson, was a Baptist in religious belief, while his wife was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was a native of the Old North State, and bore her husband six children: Una, wife of F. W. McChesney of Hono-lulu, H. I.; Azelia, wife of Fount King of King’s Prairie; Dr. George W.; Mettie and Clara.

The immediate subject of this sketch passed his boyhood days in Yellville, but acquired the principal part of his education at Rally Hill. He began the study of medicine with his father in 1890, and has pursued his medical studies in his father’s alma mater-Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tennessee He began practicing in April, 1893, and already has a patronage of which he has every reason to be proud. He is a member of the County Medical Association, is well posted and up with the times in his profession, and his future is bright with promise.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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