Biography of Alva P. Mack

This enterprising and intelligent gentleman is one of Malheur County’s leading agriculturists, being a man of good ability and possessed of thrift and those talents which make the successful man, which in its full degree he has demonstrated himself to be, for he came to Ontario in 1890 with less than twenty dollars in finances, and by his own endeavors he has amassed a goodly holding of valuable property; his estate of one hundred and twenty acres, which is highly improved and excellently tilled, lies four and one-half miles southwest from Ontario. It is a model rural home, and shows in every detail both the wisdom and the untiring energy and industry of its proprietor. He produces abundance of alfalfa hay each year, has a good band of cattle, a fine orchard, raising also considerable corn, which yields fifty bushels to the acre. The farm has good buildings including outbuildings, a commodious barn and a residence of modern architectural design of nine rooms and kept in a tasty and beautiful manner. In fact everything about the premises or Mr. Mack indicates a wide-awake, careful, yet vigorous man in charge and he is justly entitled to the position of leader in his line of business, which is accorded to him by his friends.

Reverting more particularly to the personal history of our subject, we note that he was born in the vicinity of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan, on January 14, 1868, being the son of Edward C. and Sarah (Talmage) Mack. The father was a native of Michigan and served for one year in the Civil War, after which he returned to his home in his native state and lives there still. Our subject was reared on a farm and received his education in the public schools. His home was with his parents until the spring of 1890, when he was led by a stirring and adventurous spirit to seek for himself a home in the west. Accordingly he cam hither, and as said above when he landed in Ontario less that twenty dollars lined his pockets. He at once sought employment from the Oregon Forwarding Company, and for six years his face and form were familiar as one of the leading salesmen of that mammoth establishment. At the end of that period he had saved enough money to purchase his present valuable estate, which has already been noted.

On July 4, 1891 the marriage of Mr. Mack and Miss Lulu, daughter of Elbridge and Lois E. (Kentfield) Wellington, and a native of Clinton County, Michigan, was solemnized near Ontario. To our subject and his worthy wife there have been born five children, as follows: Lloyd A., Merle E., Ella M., Gerry E., and Lois E. Mr. Mack affiliates with the K. of P., Armour Lodge, No. 69 of Ontario while he and his wife are faithful members of the Methodist Church.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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