Biographical Sketch of Jacob Tingler

This highly esteemed resident of Daviess County was born in Guerusey County, Ohio, January 30, 1823. He received the usual education and on completing his studies served three years at the boot and shoe trade. Mr. Tingler at the end of that time went on a farm and remained in Ohio until the fall of 1849, when he removed with his wife to Steuben County, Indiana, having married in Hancock County, Ohio, two years before he left that State.

His wife was Miss Elizabeth J. Sailor, and they were joined in wedlock October 14, 1847. They resided there seventeen years or until the spring of 1866, when the fame of Missouri’s rich soil and cheap lands reached them and they came to Daviess County and made it their home. He has a nice little home of forty acres, well improved, with a residence, situated on high ground, giving a very pleasant view of the surroundings, and making their home attractive. Mr. Tingler and his wife are good citizens and kind neighbors.

Mr. and Mrs. Tingler have had six children; one died in its infancy and George when young, and four are living. Their names are, Sarah L., Moses N., Lewis A. and Andrew J. Their home in Daviess County has proven a pleasant one.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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