Articles of Association of The 7th Michigan Cavalry

Whereas, we surviving members of the 7th Michigan Cavalry Volunteers, desiring to establish an organization for the purpose of preserving the friendship formed while defending our country against armed rebellion and treason, and to honor the cause for which we fought and the memory of our comrades who gave their lives that our nation might live, do, there-fore, adopt the following Articles of Association:

1st. This organization shall be known as the Association of the 7th Michigan Cavalry, and all persons who have been honorably discharged from this Regiment, shall be considered members by signing the Articles of Association, and paying a membership fee of 50 cents.

2d. In this Association previous rank shall be entirely ignored.

3d. The regular meetings shall be held once a year at such time and place as the members present at the previous meeting shall by vote decide.

4th. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, twelve Vice-Presidents, (one for each company), a Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of five, in which shall be included the President and Secretary. The officers shall be elected at each regular meeting of the Association.

5th. Funds to defray the expenses of this Association shall be raised by the membership fee of 50 cents and a tax imposed equally on all members present at a regular meeting, when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

6th. All bills for expenses of this Association shall be presented at a regular meeting, and if approved by majority vote of the members present, shall be paid by the Treasurer.

7th. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all regular meetings and perform the duties of a member of the Executive committee.

8th. The duties of the Vice-Presidents shall be to preside at meetings when the President is absent, taking precedence in the order in which they are named when elected, and shall also act as ‘Assistant Secretaries for the Companies which they represent.

9th. The duties of the Secretary shall be to record the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and perform the duties of a member of the Executive Committee, and perform such other duties as may pertain to his office.

10th. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive and keep a record of all moneys be-longing to the Association, and pay out the same only on orders signed by the President and Secretary.

11th. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to make arrangements for the regular meetings of the Association, perform the duties of a Finance Committee, select a proper person to deliver an address at such meetings, and to perform such other duties as may be from time to time imposed upon them.

12th . The proceedings at all regular meetings shall be conducted in accordance with such parliamentary rules as are applicable to similar organizations.


Roster of survivors of the Seventh Michigan Cavalry and muster out rolls of the regiment. Register Pub. Co. 1895.

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