Gawith, Orval – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon

Former Elgin Man Killed Accidentally

Orval Gawith, a native son of Elgin, was accidentally killed at Mt. Vernon, Oregon Monday evening. Available information indicated that while he was unloading a load of logs the top log on his load slipped off and crushed him to the ground beneath it. Logging is the work in which he had long been engaged.

Harry Gawith of Wallowa, father of the deceased, and Allen Gawith, a brother of Minam, were in Elgin Tuesday on their way to Mt. Vernon. Funeral arrangements were made while they were here. The remains will be interred in Elgin Cemetery at 2:30 this afternoon and will preceded by graveside services.

Willard Orval Gawith was born in Elgin May 13, 1904 and was 42 years, 3 months and 6 days old. He leaves a wife and son. He and his family visited Elgin several weeks ago.

Grandparents of deceased settled in the Pinegrove district about 50 years ago, and his father resided there as a boy and young man.

The Elgin Recorder, Thursday, 22 August 1946

Contributed by: Robert Bull



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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