Biography of Henry Elliott

The progenitor of the Elliott family in Thompson was Francis Elliott, a mariner, who settled in Salem, Mass., in 1686, and the same year married Abigail, daughter of John Nichols. Their son Thomas, who early in life resided at Middletown, in the same state, in 1723 married Lucy Flint. With his son Joseph he came to Thompson parish in 1749. Joseph Elliott was a revolutionary soldier, and commanded a company at the battle of Bunker Hill. He married Jesusha Bury, whose son Thomas was born in 1759 and died in 1843. He married Chloe, daughter of Issacher Bates, and had children: Aaron, Ebenezer, Ira, Thomas, and a daughter, Catherine. Thomas of this number was born in Thompson, December 24th, 1793, and died February 24th, 1872. He was three times married, the second union being with Polly Dexter, of Killingly. Their children were: Sally, Horace, Marvin D., Henry and Jane E., who died in 1859.

Henry Elliott was born July 12th, 1831, in Thompson, and received such an education as the public schools of the town afforded, supplemented by a limited period at Dudley, Mass. The routine of a farmer’s life not being in accord with his energetic temperament, at sixteen he sought a clerkship in Woodstock, and was for two years thus employed. The year 1850 found the young man en route for New York city, determined by his own inherent force and industry to open the road to success and all the opportunities which follow in its train. He secured a position in a jobbing rubber boot and shoe house, where the first six months of service were given without remuneration. His quickness of perception and ceaseless energy speedily made themselves felt, and steady promotion was the result. At the expiration of the fourth year he was admitted to a partnership with the proviso, exacted by him, that the management of the business should rest exclusively with him. This relation was maintained -until 1858, when Mr. Elliott purchased the remaining interest and continued the business as above. He had meanwhile become a prominent figure in the field of rubber goods, where his sagacity and shrewdness as a buyer, and skill as a salesman, had made his presence felt in the market. In matters connected with finance he was also regarded as evincing exceptional judgment and ability.

Mr. Elliott was appointed the agent in. New York for three of the most important rubber boot and shoe companies in the United States, and added this responsibility to the business he had before conducted with marked success. In 1873 the firm of Wallace & Elliott was formed, embracing the large leather boot and shoe business of his brother-in-law, J. T. Whitehouse, and his own. To this firm his nephew, Mr. J. E. Jacobs, was admitted as a partner tinder the title of Wallace, Elliott & Co., and subsequently his son Clinton, thus establishing a house now ranking among the–largest in the trade. They are extensive manufacturers of boots and shoes and the owners of several large factories in New England and elsewhere.

Mr. Elliott is in his political principles an earnest republican. He has had occasion to decline distinctive honors of a political character, preferring to be simply a worker while others enjoy the dignities of office. In his religious belief he is a Congregationalist. Mr. Elliott, on the 2d. of April, 1857, married Mary A., daughter of William Whitehouse, of New Hampshire, then residing in Brooklyn, New York. Their children are: Harry A. and Osborn, deceased; Augusta, Clinton and Dexter. Mr. Elliott, since his removal from Thompson, has resided in the city of Brooklyn, New York, returning to his former home, where he has a residence, to spend the summer months.



Windham County CT,

History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889. Additions and corrections © by

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