Biography of Charles W. Hardy

Charles W. Hardy, who owns one of the most fertile farms in Boscawen, Merrimack County, was born in Warner, N.H., July 19, 1834, son of Ozias and Lavinia (Barton) Hardy. His grandfather, Silas Hardy, was a prosperous farmer, who resided for a time in Hopkinton, N.H., from which town he removed to Warner.

Ozias Hardy was brought up to agriculture, which calling he followed through life. He owned farms in Warner and Hopkinton, and spent his last days in the latter town, dying about the year 1850. His wife, Lavinia Barton Hardy, who was a native of Stoddard, N.H., became the mother of five children: Samuel; Eliza A.; Woodbury; Charles W., the subject of this sketch; and Sanford. Samuel married Abbie Ann Putney, who is no longer living; and he resides in Hopkinton. Eliza A. died at the age of seventeen years. Woodbury married Ellen Price, and lives in Hopkinton. Sanford, who died in 1896, married for his first wife Louise Sanford. His second wife was Nettie Barr; and she now resides in Aurora, Ill. Mrs. Ozias Hardy died in 1881.

Charles W. Hardy was educated in the common schools and at the Contoocook Academy. When twenty years old he was employed upon Danvers, Mass., where he remained a year. Then, returning home, he worked some time as a farm assistant in and around his native town. In 1860 he went to Illinois, where he was foreman upon a large farm for five years. He subsequently returned East, and about 1872 came to Boscawen, purchasing the farm of one hundred and thirty-five acres which he now occupies. He carries on general farming and dairying, and raises a considerable amount of fruit.

On April 28, 1872, Mr. Hardy was married in Hopkinton to Miss Mary George, who was born in Webster, Merrimack County, N.H., June 22, 1849, a daughter of William D. and Submit (Swett) George. Her father is a native of Candia, N.H., and her mother of Webster. They are prosperous farming people, and reside in Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy have become the parents of four children, namely: Alice M., born February 21, 1873; Albert Sanford, born April 25, 1875; Mattie Louise, born April 28, 1876, and who is now a teacher; and Florence Etta, born October 12, 1878.

In politics Mr. Hardy is a Republican. He takes an active interest in political affairs, and has voted at every election but one since attaining his majority; and he has ably filled some of the public offices. He is connected with the Patrons of Husbandry, and he and Mrs. Hardy are members of the Congregational church.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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