Biography of Harvey B. Glidden

Harvey B. Glidden, an enterprising druggist of Claremont, was born in Hopkinton, Mass., May 17, 1857, son of Gardner F. and Mary M. (Bingham) Glidden. His grandfather, Nathan Glidden, who was an early settler in Unity, where he continued to reside for the rest of his life, reared a large family of children. Gardner F. Glidden was born in Unity. When a young man he became connected with the shoe manufacturing business. In 1850 he went to Hopkinton, Mass., where he was foreman in a shoe factory until his death in 1866. He was a man of much energy and business ability. His wife, Mary, who was a native of Unity, returned to that town after the death of her husband. She was sixty-six years old when she died in 1893.

The education of Harvey B. Glidden, begun in the public schools of Hopkinton and Unity, was completed with a commercial course at the New London Academy. He entered the drug business in 1874 as a clerk for Frank G. Winn in this town. Five years later he went to Boston, where he obtained a wide experience in the business as clerk in various stores. In 1887 he passed a successful examination before the New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy; and in 1892 he established himself in business, under the firm name of H. B. Glidden & Co., at his present location in the Hotel Claremont building. The store, excellently situated, is twenty by sixty-five feet. It is finished elaborately in antique oak, and is very attractive in appearance. It is stocked with a full line of drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, toilet articles, druggists’ sundries, cigars, tobacco, and Tenney’s famous New York confectionery. Mr. Glidden is the proprietor of Glidden’s Liver Pills, Berney’s Cough Drops, and Berney’s Tooth Powder. His prescription department contains all of the latest additions to the materia medica, as well as the standard pharmaceutical preparations. Mr. Glidden’s long experience as an apothecary is sufficient assurance that all physician’s prescriptions intrusted to him will be accurately and faithfully compounded. Since starting in business he has had a large patronage, and his popularity both as a druggist and a citizen is fully merited.

On September 14, 1881, Mr. Glidden was united in marriage with Minnie A. Pride, daughter of William H. Pride, of Boston. A Mason of the thirty-second degree, he is connected with Hiram Lodge, No. 9, F. & A. M.; Webb Chapter, No. 6, Royal Arch Masons; Columbian Council, Royal and Select Masters; and Sullivan Commandery, No. 6, Knights Templar. He owns and occupies a very attractive residence at 4 Bond Street.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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