Biography of E. J. Whittle

E. J. Whittle, of Arkansas City, had had a most diversified business experience. He had lived in many states, had been a farmer, merchant, real estate man and is now enjoying the income from his property and residing in comfort and contentment among his children and grandchildren.

Mr. Whittle was born in Boone County, Illinois, February 20, 1851. His father, James Whittle, was born in Canada, near Detroit, Michigan, in 1821, and was the first of the family to come to the United States. James’ father, Thomas, spent all his life in Canada as a farmer. The Whittles went from England to Canada in the early days. James Whittle grew up in Canada, and when a young man removed to Boone County, Illinois, where he married and took up farming. He spent his active years as an agriculturist and died at Belvidere, Illinois, in 1904. After becoming an American citizen he voted regularly with the republican party. In his home district in Boone County, Illinois, he served as constable and township trustee. His church was the Universalist. James Whittle married Josephine Early. She too was a native of Canada, born in 1831, and died at Poplar Grove, Illinois, in 1887. There were four children, E. J. Whittle being the oldest. Fred, the next youngest, died in infancy. W. P. Whittle was a California gold miner, and shortly after his return from the West died at Caledonia, Illinois, in 1882. Cora died when fifteen years of age.

E. H. Whittle was educated in the public schools of Boone County, Illinois, lived the first twenty-one years of his life on his father’s farm, then had 3½ years of strenuous and rather hazardous experience as a miner in New Mexico, and after another winter in Boone County, Illinois, went to Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, and farmed in the vicinity of Mason City for twelve years. That was followed by experience as a grain buyer for eight years, and he then went to the Northwest and in Richland County, North Dakota, and in Aurora County, South Dakota, was for three years engaged in the real estate business.

In 1901 Mr. Whittle came to Arkansas City, Kansas, and put in a year as a farmer, but in 1902 retired to the city and lived a couple of years without special employment. He then went back to Iowa for three years, but since August, 1907, had been a permanent resident of Arkansas City. He had acquired considerable property, and gives his time chiefly to its management. He is owner of the Globe Building at the corner of Washington Avenue and Summit Street, a three-story structure; owned the Carder Block at 116 West Fifth Avenue, and had a farm of 160 acres in Grant County, Kansas.

Mr. Whittle is a republican, and while living in Iowa served as township treasurer. He is a member and trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church, retains affiliations with Swaledale Lodge of the Knights of Pythias in Iowa, and had local membership in Inaugural Camp No. 867, Modern Woodmen of America, at Arkansas City and the Anti-Horse Thief Association.

Mr. Whittle was married in 1879, at the present site of Mason City, Iowa, to Miss Alice Hillier. Her father, J. B. Hillier, died at Marshalltown, Iowa, in May, 1907. He was a farmer. Her mother, Mary (Gillett) Hillier, now resided with Mr. and Mrs. Whittle. Mr. and Mrs. Whittle have three children and four grandchildren. Cora, their oldest, is the wife of Charles Darner, a flour salesman at Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Darner have two children, Paul and Dorothy. Fred W. Whittle is a traveling salesman with home at Arkansas City, and by his marriage to Mary Ruth Crisp had two children, Janice and Fred. Cecile is the wife of Walter Ames, who conducts the Fifth Avenue Book Store in Arkansas City.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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