Biography of Floyd C. Flory

Floyd C. Flory is postmaster of Grenola. He is also widely known among the newspaper profession in Kansas, and gave up his duties as editor of the Grenola Leader to accept his present office.

Mr. Flory is a native of Kansas, and the family have lived in this state for many years.

Fred C. Flory, a well known citizen of Howard, Kansas, and father of the Grenola postmaster, was born in Iowa in December, 1858. He grew up in that state, came to Kansas when a young man, his first home being at Independence, and he soon afterward became editor of the paper at Longton. He was married near Independence, and then removed to Greeley County, Kansas, taking up a homestead of 160 acres. While living in Grceley County he served as postmaster. He afterward resumed the newspaper and job printing business at Pueblo, Colorado, but in 1895 located at Howard, Kansas, where he had since been editor of the Elk County Citizen. He is an active democrat, is a member and elder in the Presbyterian Church, and had served on both the democratic state and county central committees. Fred C. Flory married Julia A. White, who was born in Illinois in 1861. Their children are: Tom, who is editor of the Gridley Light, at Gridley, Kansas; Floyd C.; Mabel, wife of Carl Zeller of Kansas City, Missouri; Ruth, who lives with her parents and is teacher of domestic science in the Howard public schools; Allen, who assists his father in the newspaper business; and Ebbert, a farmer at Howard, Kansas; Frank, now a junior in the high school at Howard.

Floyd C. Flory was born on a farm near Horace in Greeley County, Kansas, October 30, 1887. His early training came from the public schools of Howard, and he graduated from the high school in 1907. He had considerable experience in various branches of newspaper work and printing in his father’s office, and subsequently was employed on the Emporia Gazette, and on the Burlington Democrat at Burlington, Kansas. Mr. Flory had been a resident of Grenola since November 11, 1909. At that date he bought the Grenola Leader, and continued as its editor until June, 1914. In February, 1914, he was appointed postmaster of Grenola by President Wilson, and had filled that office with credit to the present time.

Mr. Flory is a democrat, is a member of Canopy Lodge, No. 248, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Grenola, and of Camp No. 365, Modern Woodmen of America, at Grenola. He is the owner of a comfortable home in the northwest part of town.

On November 30, 1911, Mr. Flory married Miss Mollie Logston, daughter of George T. and Rena (Riddle) Logston. Her parents reside at Grenola, Mr. Logston being a carpenter and contractor.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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