Biography of John H. Crider

John H. Crider. A continuous practice as a member of the Fort Scott bar since 1882 gives John H. Crider a distinction not only as one of the oldest members of the local bar, but also as one of the most successful. From the first Mr. Orider has looked upon the law not so much as a vocation as a profession requiring all the loyalty and service of his nature and throughout has kept his work in full accord with the high standards and dignity of his vocation. It may be a matter of interest to recall that Mr. Crider earned his first fee of $100 from Hon. Eugens Ware, “Ironquill,” this amount being paid him for his services as referee in proceedings in aid of an execution.

Mr. Crider was born in Lancaster, Ohio, March 2, 1859, son of Dr. Henry L. and Sarah Ann (Weisz) Crider. The founder of the Crider family in the United States was Jacob Crider, who was born in Germany in 1768, and was an early settler in Fairfield County, Ohio, where he followed farming until his death in 1824. He was the great-grandfather of the Fort Scott attorney. His wife, Barbara Weaver, was also born in Germany and died in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1844.

Jacob Crider, grandfather of John H., was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, February 12, 1807, and died there in 1868. His wife, Elizabeth, died in Fairfield County in 1862.

Dr. Henry L. Crider, who was born near Lancaster, Ohio, in 1827 and was reared on a farm near that town, died there in 1896. He was a physician but spent most of his career in the practice of dentistry. He married Sarah Ann Weisz, who was born June 30, 1826, and died October 7, 1897. She died in the same house in which she was born. She was a daughter of Rev. George and Catherine (Shuman) Weisz. Rev. George Weisz was born June 21, 1793, and died in Lancaster, Ohio, March 10, 1859. His wife, Catherine, was born May 16, 1799, and died in Lancaster March 30, 1868. The Weisz family was a large and prominent one in that section of Ohio, and Rev. George Weisz was a minister of the German Reformed Church. Catherine Shuman was a daughter of John Shuman, who was a son of George Shuman, who, with his first wife and first born son, Michael, came from Germany about 1760 and settled on a farm on Turkey Hill in Manor Township in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. They roared a family of five sons: Michael Shuman, who was born in Wuertemberg, Germany; John, Henry, Adam and Andrew, born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, were the names of these sons. George Shuman, their father, married a Manning. Her brother, John Manning, was also a settler on Turkey Hill, and John Manning’s wife was a sister of George Shuman. John Manning and George Shuman were thus brothers-in-law in a double sense and their wives were sisters-in-law in the same degree. The Shumans and Mannings reared large families and they were numerously represented in Manor Township of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. George Shuman’s second wife was Catharine Pfeiffer, and to this union was born six children, namely: Christian, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary, Frederick and George, Jr.

Dr. Henry L. Crider did not enlist in the regular army during the Civil war on account of his wife being an invalid and requiring all his faithful care. He was an ardent supporter of the Union cause and organized a company for the express purpose of capturing General Morgan. He brought this company into camp and on account of his enthusiasm was promoted to colonel by Governor Tod of Ohio. However, the company never got into active service. Doctor Crider was a splendid specimen of physical manhood, was over six feet tall and proportioned accordingly. He was an ardent republican. He and his wife had six children. One of them, William, died in infancy; Catherine Elizabeth died at the age of thirteen, and Dr. George S. Crider died in Lancaster, Ohio. The three now living are: John H.; Jacob W., a banker of Charlestown, West Virginia; and Lida A., widow of Henry Ellsworth Varney.

Mr. John H. Crider received his early education in the public schools of Lancaster, Ohio. In 1880 he graduated in the scientific course from Heldelberg College at Tiffin, Ohio. His law studies were pursued at Lancaster under Col. John M. Connell, who had served as colonel in the Seventeenth Ohio Regiment in the Civil war, and was a brother-in-law of Gen. Thomas Ewing, who subsequently became chief justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas.

Admitted to the bar in 1882, Mr. Crider at once came to Fort Scott and began the practice which has kept his time and energies engaged now for almost thirty-five years. For two years he was a partner with H. A. Pritchard under the name Crider & Pritchard, but aside from that he has always conducted an individual practice.

For six years he held the office of city attorney, his first term being in 1889-90, and he was again in the office from 1895 to 1899. In 1904 he was chosen elector at large on the republican ticket for Kansas, and in 1914 was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress from his district. He is a polished orator and his services have been in demand in many campaigns. For ten years he has served as grand master workman for Kansas of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, his first term being from 1897 to 1901, and his second from 1905 to 1911. He is a Lodge, Chapter and York Rite Mason, a Knight of Pythias and a Modern Woodmen of America. He is also one of the charter members of the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce and belongs to the Knights and Ladies of Security.

On December 19, 1888, near Fort Seneca, Ohio, he married Miss Ida A. Abbott. Mrs. Crider was born in Seneca County, Ohio, daughter of Francis E. and Melissa (Ingraham) Abbott. She is a descendant of the old and prominent Massachusetts family of Abbotts, and through that lineage has membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Crider have six children, three of whom are deceased. One died in infancy, Robert W. died at the age of three years, and Ida Louise at the age of sixteen. All the children were born at Fort Scott, Frances Eugenia is the wife of Thomas W. Moreland of Fort Scott. John M. Crider and Marian Abbott Crider are both graduates of the Fort Scott High School.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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