Biography of Emil B. Roser

Emil B. Roser is one of those quiet and resourceful business men who accomplishes a great deal and makes very little fuss about it and only comes in for a share of public attention when faithful performance of duty requires it.

Mr. Roser has been in the jewelry business at Wellington since January 10, 1883. He was born in the City of St. Louis January 27, 1867, one of the five children of Henry and Maria Theresa (Seyler) Roser. His father was a native of Germany and his mother of France, both lived for some years in Nancy, France, and in 1852 emigrated on a sailing vessel to New Orleans. Both had relatives in the United States and they finally located in St. Louis, where Henry Roser followed his business as a merchant tailor for several years. Having relatives in Wisconsin, he removed to that state in 1869, and was thus able to give his children the advantages of the fine Normal School at Platteville and later the State University at Madison. Henry Roser was a man of plain and unassuming character, made many friends, and provided liberally for his family. His wife died at Platteville, Wisconsin, in 1893. Henry Roser like many other German Americans did his full part as a soldier of his adopted country during the Civil war. He enlisted in the Thirtieth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and was in some of the greatest campaigns of the war, including Sherman’s march to the sea. He was in the quartermaster’s department.

Emil B. Roser had most of his education in the common schools, and since 1878 has been depending upon his own efforts for his advancement in the world. He received considerable experience as clerk in a store and in 1882 he came out to Kansas, where he had friends. His brother Edward L., had located in Wellington in 1878 and set up in the jewelry business. Edward was in that business at Wellington until his death in 1892. At the death of his brother E. B. Roser continued the business in partnership with his brother’s widow, but in a short time bought out the store, and has since made it the leading establishment of its kind in that section of the state. He also owns the building in which his store is located, and at the present time is probably the largest property owner in the City of Wellington.

In 1906 he helped organize the National Bank of Commerce, served as its vice president for two years and has since been president. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers’ State Bank at Wellington, is owner of some oil stock and has a large amount of city real estate. He identifies himself with every movement for the improvement and betterment of his community. He is a member and past president of the Commercial Club and is vice president of the Chautauqua Board. Fraternally he is both a York and Scottish Rite Mason, is past master of his lodge, has been officially identified with the Knights of Pythias for the past twenty-five years and for six terms held the presiding office. He is a charter member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in the Wellington Lodge, which was organized in 1909 and has since been its treasurer. He is also affiliated with the Eastern Star, the Loyal Order of Moose, and other social organizations.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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