Biographical Sketch of Homer McFarland

HOMER McFARLAND, – Mr. McFarland, one of our most able young men, was born at The Dalles June 22, 1865, the youngest son of J.C. McFarland, and a nephew of E.B. McFarland, who was one of the oldest settlers of The Dalles, and one of her most substantial citizens. He received his early education at the Wasco Academy, attending until his nineteenth year.

In 1885 he came to Lexington, Oregon, where he has been engaged in the general merchandise business ever since. This enterprise was the first of its kind in that town; and the firm, in which he holds a half interest, does an extensive business, having the largest stock of goods and the finest accommodations in the place. By the destructive incendiary fire which swept over the town in August, 1887, the firm lost ten thousand dollars over and above their insurance but yet carry on a large business. Mr. McFarland was married March 4, 1887, to Emma J. Mahaffy, and has a delightful home and one child.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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