Taylor Brothers

John and Solomon Taylor, composing the term of Taylor Bros., who operate the Prairie City Roller Mills, are natives of that grand old commonwealth Ohio. The older brother, John, became a resident of the county in 1862, and for a number of years was engaged in mining on Canyon creek.

In 1881, on the arrival of his brother they became engaged in farming three miles from Prairie City, and today have 640 acres under cultivation, all of it being highly improved. Their home being one of the nicest in the county. In 1891 they bought the mill property which is a complete up-to-date fifty barrel seven boater mill, with the necessary purifiers, scalper, scourer, smutted, etc. They have a fall of 21 feet in their waterpower and operate the year round. It has proven a most beneficial enterprise to the farmers near at hand, who are enabled to obtain a good price for their wheat with the advantage of a short haul, a saving to them of a good many dollars annually. A feature of their trade is a large exchange business with the farmers, exchanging for wheat its manufactured products. Their patronage has grown to such all extent that they have made arrangements to enlarge by adding an 18×30 three-story building.

Mr. Sol. Taylor is at present one of the county commissioners.



AccessGenealogy, editor. Grant County Oregon Genealogy. The information contained here has been derived from a variety of sources. 2013.

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