Molala Tribe

Molala Indians. A Waiilatpuan tribe forming the western division of that family. Little is known of their history. When first met with they resided in the Cascade range between Mts. Hood and Scott and on the west slope, in Washington and Oregon. The Cayuse have a tradition that the Molala formerly dwelt with them south of Columbia river and became separated and driven westward in their wars with hostile tribes. Their dialect, while related, is quite distinct from that of the Cayuse, and the separation probably took place in remote times. The name Molala is derived from that of a Creek in Willamette Valley, Oregon, south of Oregon City. A band of these Indians drove out the original inhabitants and occupied their land. Subsequently the name was extended to all the bands. The present status of the tribe is not certain. In 1849 it was estimated to number 100; in 1877 Gatschet found several families living on the Grande Ronde Reservation, Oregon, and in 1881 there were said to be about 20 individuals living in the mountains west of Klamath Lake. Those on the Grande Ronde Reservation are not officially enumerated, but are regarded as absorbed by the other tribes with whom they live. With regard to the rest nothing is known. It is probable, however, that there are a few scattered survivors. The Molala joined with other bands of Willamette valley in the treaty of Dayton, Oregon, Jan. 22, 1855, and by treaty at the same place, Dec. 21, 1855, they ceded their lands and agreed to remove to a reservation. Chakankni, Chimbuiha, and Mukanti are said to have been Molala bands or settlements.

Bands of the Molala Indians

Chakankni Indians. A Molala band formerly settled in the Cascade range, northwest of upper Klamath lake, on the headwaters of Rogue river, Oregon. In 1881 they were rapidly becoming absorbed by the neighboring tribes and had practically given up their own language for that of the Klamath.

Molala, Waiilatpuan,

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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